Chapter 5 It's Been Lovely But I Have To Scream Now

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She had managed it, kind of. Her suit case and satchel were now both weightless, but only her suitcase was expanded and only to the size of a steamer trunk. It had taken three, no four, days straight of just practicing those spells, but success. Jane lay back on her bed. Her eyes ached, she could barely see straight and she was pretty sure she had missed a meal or three. And what had she done when she needed a break from getting those charms to work? Silent wandless magic. You think something she'd been doing by accident for years would be easier, but no.

Jane looked over at her pile of books before burying her head into her pillows. Maybe she had been a bit overzealous, but she had the books, had seen it done right in front of her in fact.

She had read her new books, even writing notes carefully in pencil in the margins. She hadn't realized how much she liked pencils and pens in till someone had asked for her to sign with a quill. She was sure she'd get used to it and you could always use magic to erase mistakes, if you knew how that is. Still, Jane made a mental note to get more pens, pencils, and erasers before school started. And an animal. And her luggage sorted. And a visit to Griphook to see how her plan had progressed. Jane whined as she burrowed more firmly into the covers.

What day was it even. Jane had lost all sense of time after working on those spells. She started counting the days before promptly giving up. She'd get a late breakfast and check a newspaper for the date. She idly wondered if there was a spell for that. She was sure there must be, for checking the date and time. It was just a matter of finding it. Or inventing it. Jane felt a smile pull at her lips. Just as she was pulling herself from the bed in preparation of a quick shower before getting food, when a great bloody bird flew in her window. Jane stumbled backwards, slipping on some blanket and landed on her ass, only to realize it was an owl. Jane had seen them around enough to know they were used to carry around mail, and sure enough this one had an envelope clutched in its beak. It was also watching her very closely. Jane stood up and moved towards it slowly. Although she had seen them around, she had never actually received any mail before, at least not like this. It was a beautiful tawny owl with big watery eyes and speckled plumage.

"Thank you," Jane took the offered mail and received a soft hoot in return before it fluttered its wings and flew out again.

Jane pulled open the wax seal and began to read.

Miss Jane Blackwell

The information has been sold, currently the buyer is loitering around the front desk. A letter has been left for you with me. If you do not wish to receive it in person, simply send your instructions by owl. Otherwise, please come at your earliest convivence.

Griphook of Gringotts

August 24, 12:24pm

Well, now Jane knew what day it was. She had exactly a week before she had to be on that train. First she had to deal with Griphook and this letter. Another letter that she had stored in her bedside drawer weighed on her mind. She hadn't read it yet. She knew that she should, if only to understand the situation as much as possible. But not today.

Jane decided she wanted a look at this long lost relative. She grabbed a fast shower and got dressed, throwing on her cloak before grabbing her backpack and heading out. She wasn't worried about being recognized later, as she planned to put her backpack into her suitcase. As Jane walked out of the Leaky Cauldron, she noticed someone paying for their visit, and realized she must be ringing up quite the tab.

She needed to look for more permanent residence. Maybe Griphook could help her wit that. She would check today. Quickly making her way through Diagon Alley, Jane pulled up her hood and entered the bank. Bowing at the goblin guarding the door, she made her way to a teller.

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