Chapter 36 Slyther-Shit

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Jane sat in Astronomy class thing every second of it. It felt as if her back was seizing up from stress and her jaw ached from clenching her teeth. You would think that having had the class for almost three months would have given her some kind of immunity but nope. All of her instincts still screamed at her the second she came within five meters of Scarsa and Jane was just managing not to flee in hysterical terror. Sometimes she was almost able to surpass it, as if her brain decided she was too much of a moron to read its signals so if she got herself killed she was just too dumb to survive.

Jane felt sweaty and like her blander was just, just willing to hold for now. It had been an abysmal class. Scarsa had called on her three times and her nerves were shot to shit. Jane was watching the clock tick towards sweet release.

Finally a small bell tinged and students started packing up their things. Jane tried not to hurry but she really did need to go. She didn't want to look like she was running. If someone didn't already consider you prey, never give them the impression you are.

That did not mean she dawdled though.

Jane was just about out the door when a throat cleared behind her. Jane knew instinctively who it was by the shivers that ghosted up her spine and tried to force her shoulders to hunch and curl forwards. Jane stiffened her spine and tried to stop her eyes from watering from widening. She wasn't some wide eyed innocent.

She was a damn witch and she wasn't going to be cowed by a teacher who hadn't even done anything. Yet.

"Yes Professor," Jane forced the words from her throat.

"Jane I need you to stay for a moment." Scarsa

What the hell? What was this, accost Jane as she leaves the classroom day?

Jane really did not want to stay in a room with Scarsa. It was on her list of top ten things she absolutely did not want to do. Along with meet the Birth-Giver and Step Failure again and to fuck a spider. Nope, just no.

Jane wondered rather desperately what would happen if she just bolted as the last students trickled out. Roman was loitering at the door but managed to attract Scarsa's attention.

"That will be all Mr. Grey. Hurry along to bed now before you miss curfew." When he didn't move as fast as she wished she snapped out. "Now Mr. Grey or that will be ten points," she reprimanded.

He gave Jane an apologetic look before hurrying out the door.

"What do you know about what has been going on around this school?"

"Nothing Professor."

"About the packages that have been arriving. I know you received one."


"Someone has been trying to break into my office. Would you know anything about that?"

Her mind flashed with an image of Mel but she hastily cleared it. Then the books she had taken for Hogwarts. Options, options. None of which she would tell to this women. "No professor."

"It would be best if you told me now. The things that could happen to you if you lied...I shudder to think."

Jane didn't dare blind. "There's nothing Professor."

"Your failing my class. Write a three parchment essay on the placement of the starts their meaning and the significance of at least fifteen alignments. Due next class. Now get to bed."

Jane nodded stiffly and walked out of the room. Her legs were pegged and her spine ridged.

As she rushed down the stairs her bladder mad itself known again. How she had managed to forget it she'd never know.

She knew there was one nearby, if a bit out of the way. She quickly detoured and found it. She practically ran in before slipping into a stall just as a great rumbling echoed through the room. Stone scrapped stone. The room fell silent except for footsteps. Jane strengthened her hearing trying to make out the finer points of the person, how their feet fell and how hard, how they breathed and their heart beat.

Jane recognized it, it was almost as familiar as her own but somehow she couldn't quite believe it. She thought back in her memory. Nope she must be mistaken. Jane pushed open the stall door which let out a horrendous creak.

Roman stood wide eyed, frozen in front of a great bloody tunnel passageway made up of what appeared to be the dismembered sinks. Which had started slowly and noisily putting themselves back together. Jane numbly thought it could only get louder if someone added some bells, maybe some breaking glass. Her mind was spinning this way and that before it settled on the most asinine thing it possibly could. That thought naturally had to be the first to come out of her mouth.

"Roman, you know this is the girls right?"

That seemed to snap him out of it. Kind of. Wide eyes started swiveling this way and that. He almost looked like he was having some kind of fit. Maybe she should slap him. She smirked just slightly at the thought. She knew it was bad but how many times did you get this excuse.

Her Step Failure flashed through her mind and the thought turned sour. She grimaced before walking forward. Just as she reached him she heard someone approaching from outside. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the exit. It was definitely past curfew and he could not be caught here of all places. Not that he hadn't already been caught. By her. Why the FUCK was he in the girls. In a hidden chamber.

Fucking hell her head hurt.

As they stepped out just seconds before a Professor rounded the corner spotting them.

"What are you two doing out of bed," Professor Kraven asked.

Jane quickly answered for them. "Astronomy class Professor."

"A ways from the Astronomy Tower aren't you?"

"I had to use the washroom and this is the closest one Professor. Roman came with so I wouldn't get lost." She ended it their but let it hang in the air. The other reason why Jane might have asked Roman to come with. To stand guard so she would be bothered again.

She knew it still played in the forefront of many of the teachers minds.

"All right. To bed with you now, fast as you can and I better not catch you out again. Off you go."

Jane grabbed Roman's hand and dragged him behind her. He still seemed to be in shock from the whole thing and followed along silently.

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