Chapter 32 Their Smothering Me And I'm About To Return The Favour

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Jane hadn't realized how many people could actually talk to one person in a day. She wished she still didn't. She sure as shit could wave goodbye to any form of anonymity because thanks to that bloody fucking package everyone wanted to talk to her and everyone watched what she was doing. Not to mention the fucking amateur sleuths following her around led by non-other than Roxanne Weasley.

Now she didn't actually dislike Roxanne. She could be loud and liked to gossip but Jane just thought of it a bit like an over exuberant puppy giving her some debatably useful information. It was hard to get angry at that, sometimes a little irritated but nothing to crazy.

Now though she couldn't take two steps before tripping over one of the gang. That or being swarmed by bystanders wanting to know every detail. The fact that she was in Slytherin helped to keep some away from their table at the great hall, every other Slytherin would glare down any that even thought to approach the table. That just seemed to make people more determined when no one was around. It felt like open season on Jane and her friends had taken to always walking with her, Neryssa even followed her into the bathroom to stop others from questioning her in there. It was fucking ridiculous.

Not only could she not send letters to her family because of all the attention and Bindlemore still going through the mail but now she couldn't even use the fucking toilets without someone sticking their head over the stall wall. She could not get even thirty seconds to herself and even if she loved her friend for scaring away who they could it still ended with her the center of attention. She could not even sneak away with the Notice-Me-Notbecause everyone was watching her.

It had been a two days of all this non sense which had culminated when a certain first year boy had tried to question her. In the girls bathroom. While she was on the toilet. When asked Jane had claimed accidental magic was what had thrown the boy not only out of the toilets but down the hall and into a broom cupboard, it's door slamming closed behind him and promptly locking. He had received a two day stay in the infirmary and two weeks of detention.

After that everyone had backed off a bit but still watched her like a hawk. She hated feeling their eyes one her like she was some experiment under a micro scope.

Roman wasn't doing much better. If anyone got within an arm's length of her he would snap and snarl, his eyes flashing an ominous red dangerously. He hadn't liked all the attention not only Jane but their group was receiving. If someone couldn't get to her then they would try to question her friends. Roman wasn't exactly a people person to begin with. He hadn't liked that she was singled out for a package but after the washroom incident, not only had Neryssa demanded that she take her with from now on, but Roman took it as a personal affront.

Jane leaned against the table as breakfast appeared. She was getting really pissed. She knew it would take a while for everyone to calm down but she hadn't expected quite so much attention. Beside her Roman was staring off into space. She didn't think he was getting much sleep nowadays. She had heard from Draven that the other boys in their dormitory had been bothering him for information. So much so that he had been forced threaten to hex one and then put up warding to keep everyone out.

Jane felt a tap on her shoulder and tensed as she turned only to come face to face with Mel. She blinked, not sure how to take this. Meanwhile Jane could already hear Roman cursing under his breath.

"Hi Jane. How are you," Mel asked with a smile. There was something in his eyes she couldn't place and Jane felt too wiry to pursue at the moment.

"I'm fine. What's up Mel?"

"Just checking up on the little firsties. Can't have them croaking now, can we?"

"Ha ha ha, very funny. Now, what do you want?"

He smirked before letting it drop, a more serious look taking over his face. "I just wanted to check to see if you were ok. I was here when the whole package thing happened but I heard about what happened with that first year. So seriously, how are you? You know I owe you one so if you need anything just ask."

"Careful Mel, I might take you up on that. Nah, I'm fine. Just sick and tired of the general population. Thanks for checking in." Jane tried to smile but she was sure I looked forced.

He watched her for a second and she realized the look in his eyes was worry. "Well, I'll see you around then. Take care of yourself." With that he walked off.

Roman seemed to relax now that he was gone and went back to staring off. Jane felt tears sting he eyes. Her brother was worried about her. Her friends were literally loosing sleep. Fuck.

What the hell! This was not supposed to be her problem. Technically it always was but she had been properly avoiding responsibility, thank you very much and now some fucking arse had dropped it firmly into her lap.

Jane felt her rage seem to roar up inside her and the tingles that had been dancing under her skin seemed to jump and spark. Jane curled her hands into fists, least real sparks start to jump. She had to do something, but the very though of running into the spotlight and being some kind of heroic figure made her shiver in disgust. It felt embarrassing to picture. But maybe something more subtle. She was fed up with people watching her, poking and prodding. Maybe she could do something. If she did, no one could know it was her, she'd have to do it without anyone noticing.

It had been four days and so far the longest between packages was ten, so she had four days to a week. The sender had now covered all the houses and sent a package for each sibling. Jane wasn't sure if there would even be another package if that was significant but if the threat hadn't been answered maybe they would send another.

Jane drummed her fingers on the table. She would need more information. Whoever it was sending it to specific students, the owls weren't just dropping it I the middle of the table, so hey had to know the names of the students from each house. They had to be able to get past the mail checks by Brindemore. Jane remembered what the Room of Requirements had said. An enemy inside Hogwarts. Jane need to know more and she figured she should start with the teachers. They had the most free rein.

Jane tapped a finger against her thigh as she considered her options. This couldn't come back to her, but she needed more information and if she went looking for it all herself it would be too obvious.

She started weaving her web in her mind. 

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