Chapter 4 I Crave Violence (And Books)

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When Jane got back to the Leaky Cauldron, she immediately headed to her room before dropping her backpack on the bed and pulling offer her leather jacket. Now that she had the funds, she was desperate to get her books and supplies, and books. Did she mention the books.

As she began emptying her bag she her fingers touched the letter again. Jane pulled it out and sat down. The paper was thick and expensive, much like the one her Hogwarts acceptance letter was written on. This one had her Birth Givers name on it in strong cursive writing, the paper yellowed with age. This wasn't written recently. After everything Jane had gone through, this gave her pause. She snorted and flipped open the flap, the wax seal long broken. She pulled out the pages of parchment as another scrap flittered to the ground. She reached down to pick it up and froze. There looking back at her was the Birth Giver, smiling and waving a hand with her other arm around a man holding an infant. He bounced the baby before looking up and smiling. Three other children, little boys stood beside them fidgeting. The younger one staring up at the man, beaming. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, trying to get a look at the youngest. The other two stared into the camera with wide grins while they waved. Janes eyes burned.

She had experienced jealousy before, but never this gut retching pain. This was a woman she didn't know, a family she didn't know. She bolted to the bathroom, just throwing open the toilet lid before retching. Suddenly she was glad she hadn't eaten yet today. After a few second she sat on the tiled floor and breathed deeply for a few minutes. Getting up, Jane washed her face and hands, walked back into the room and shoved the pages and picture into the envelope and shoving it into the bedside drawer.

Jane then dumped out her backpack and began sorting out what to take with her and what to leave for the day. Extra clothes got shoved into another drawer, the cloak she slipped on along with the wand into the pocket. The jewelry went into the bag, along with her acceptance letter and her list, which she looked over quickly.

First Years Will Require:


Three set Plain Work Robes (Black)

One Pointed Hat (Plain Black)

One Pair Protective Gloves (Dragon Hide or Equivalent)

One Winter Coat (Black with Silver Fastenings)

Jane had already decided that, if she could she would get all her clothes second hand. She also knew the perfect shop for it. A little place down MaledictusWay called Lilith and Mab's Clothing Emporium. The name made it sound more grand then it was, but she was sure they would have what she needed.

Jane skipped reading the book list again, she had already memorized the list and was desperate to get her hands on them and more.


Wand (Obviously)

Pewter Cauldron (Size Two)

Glass or Crystal Vials (One Set)


Brass Scales (One Set)

One Basic Potions Ingredient Kit




Students may also bring one of the following:

Toad, Cat, Owl, Rat, or Pygmy Puff

Jane knew she would have to get most of these things new, which bothered her slightly less than it would have before her Gringotts visit. Also, what the fuck was a Pygmy Puff. Jane recalled seeing a sign about them outside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, a joke shop and emporium.

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