♡ Chapter- 4 ♡

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--------------------------They both were eachothers peace without even knowing!!!!--------------------------

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They both were
eachothers peace
without even


FERICA entered the restaurant area of the hotel and saw both of the families talking and laughing. She smiled seeing her family and her soon-to-be family happy. She was traced out of her thoughts when she heard Reeyan calling " Bhabhi why are you standing there? Come on seat with bhai , he was continuously looking at the entrance of the restaurant from the past five minutes. Bhai was missing you already."

Listening to Reeyan both the family laughed at the couple and teased them. Ferica looked down being embarrassed not moving from her place and Ekansh glared at his family making them stop laughing.

" Ferica baccha now go and sit with Ekansh don't fell embarrassed it's ok mhmm." Meghna said to her smiling softly at her. Ferica nodded at Meghna giving her shy smile to Meghna.

Ferica went towards Ekansh and sat beside him.
Ekansh looked at her and thought she looks so tiny sitting beside him. He noticed her smiling while talking to everyone unknowingly he felt good seeing her smiling.

" Bhai stop starring at bhabhi , you look like a creep."
Reeyan said to his brother making Ekansh look at him more like glaring at his little brother and said " What is wrong in starring at my soon-to-be Wife. I think you shouldn't have any problem right."

Ferica jerked her head towards him and looked at him with wide eyes. Ekansh looked at her and said " What is wrong in calling you my soon-to-be wife when you are one and also close your mouth or else fly will enter it." She looked down being embarrassed.

" Wait that means it's a yes from both the sides?" Priyansh and Pritam both asked at the same time in a surprised tone. They both nodded their head and Ferica looked down being shy from all the attention she is getting.

Both the families jumped in excitement and hugged each other congratulating each other. Then Ekansh's grandparents came near the new couple. Ferica stood up from her seat and touched Ekansh's grandparents
feet. They both smiled and give her blessing patting her head lovingly.

Then Ekansh's parents also came and Ferica also touched their feet. Both of them smiled at her and blessed her. Meghna tightly hugged Ferica and said "Welcome to the family baccha. We are so lucky to have you as Ekansh's bride and Rathore's daughter-in-law."

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