♡ Chapter- 39 ♡

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I am updating very fast back to back ig 🤓😅

__________________________________________________________The man who couldn't stand a single tearin his precious eyesnow is not even reactinglooking at her crying state

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The man who
couldn't stand a single tear
in his precious eyes
now is not even reacting
looking at her crying state.



Ferica was getting ready in his room for there haldi function with tears non stop falling from her eyes. She wore her blouse but there was hooks on the back of her blouse. She thought to first call Ansh but she didn't knew where he was.

She decided to find him as she will definitely need help with her hooks. She then took his blazer from the closet and wore it so her bare back won't be on display as there are many guards. She was unknown to these place so she went downstairs and saw a maid there.

She wiped her tears from her face and asked her " Umm excuse me." The maid turned around and said rudely " What is it?" Tears started to fall from her eyes unknowingly as she asked trying to stable her voice. " Can you tell me where is Ansh." The maid nodded her head and pointed at the giant door.

Ferica nodded her head mumbling a small thank you to her and went away. She opened the giant door and saw there was a beautiful hallway and at the end there was a door which she assumed to be his office. She went towards the door and opened the door to see him working on the laptop . He was all ready for the function as both of their outfits were matching.

She bitted her lips hesitant to call him but she jumped on her place when she heard his cold voice which he uses for everyone " Come inside instead of standing there like a fool and crying." More tears fell down from her eyes as she took baby steps towards him and stood in front of him looking down on the floor whole time.

" Would you speak why you came here and if you don't have anything to say then just get out instead of wasting my time." He said rudely without even looking at her with his eyes fixed on his laptop as she bitted her lips hard between her lips to prevent a sob escaping her lips. " Ca..can you do th..the hooks o...of my blo..blouse?" She asked him stuttering with her voice breaking in between.

He looked at her who was wearing his blazer and crying silently while looking down whole time. He stood up from his seat and walked towards her making her heart beat faster. The moment he was standing in front of her she looked up to see him as her teary black doe eyes meet with his cold grey eyes.

" Turn around I don't have whole day." He said as she immediately turned around as tears was falling non stop from her eyes. She then removed his blazer as her bare back was in full display to him. as he immediately did the hooks of the blouse.

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