♡ Chapter- 42 ♡

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Requested by these beautiful people tamrampriya and anonymousangel18 🎀💗 hope you liked it.

Requested by these beautiful people tamrampriya and anonymousangel18 🎀💗 hope you liked it

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Maybe he rules
the world
but she rules
his world.



As Ferica reached home she hugged Priya and said " Mom I am not feeling well." Priya worridely askeed her " What's happening baccha?" Ferica mumbled in her tired voice " I don't know mom but I am having headaches and also feeling cold."

Priya checked her by putting thermometer in her mouth that if she is having fever or not but showed that her body temperature is normal. She than said to Ferica caressing her hair " Baccha you don't have fever but it can be possible because of lack of sleep and tiredness due to all the wedding functions back to back. Do one thing first take warm shower and then I will make you kadha drink it you will be fine till morning."

Ferica walked upstairs to her room and first take a warm shower that made her feel a lot better as she went downstairs and drank kadha that Priya made for her. She than hugged her mother and said goodnight kissing Priya's cheeks and went upstairs to her room.

The moment she laid on bed she heard her mobile ringing , so she picked up the call to see incoming video call from Ansh. She sat on the bed properly and picked up the call. " How is your headache now precious and are you still feeling cold? " These is the first thing he asked worridely the moment she picked up his call.

A smile formed on her lips hearing him as she replied " I am fine Ansh , mom gave me kadha and after drinking that I feel much better now so don't worry." He hummed in respone and said " But still I think we should consle to doctor once precious."

Ferica's eyes widened hearing him as she thought " No no what if doctor will give me injection and I am afraid of injections very much ." She snapped out of thoughts when she heard him asking "What are you thinking precious?"

She just shook her head and said " Nothing Ansh but wait are you still in the office?" She asked suspiciously as she saw the same furnitures and all behind him where she asked him to do the hooks of her blouse after they fought.

Ekansh gulped hearing her as he answered him scratching the back of his neck nervously " Yes precious I have to come at these mansion because I had some work." She looked at him with so done face and said " How many times I have to tell you Ansh that your health is more important then your work."

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