♡ Chapter- 33 ♡

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( 30K what the hell , I still can't believe, thank you so much you all are bestt. Hope you all will always be happy and healthy. 😭🤧❤)

--------------------------Love is something that they accept eachother flaws and love them for whomever they are

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Love is something
that they accept eachother
flaws and love them
for whomever they are."


It was currently 6:00 a.m in the morning when Ekansh came back to his room and he saw the most adorable sight in front of him that was his precious sleeping peacefully while hugging his pillow and a pout formed on her rosy lips.

He licked his lips and going towards he pecked her pouty lips making her scrunch her nose annoyingly. He chuckled looking looking at her face and went to take shower. After coming back from shower he wore his three piece suit along with his dimond cufflinks and gelled his hair properly. He then wore his tie and watch. After checking one more time in mirror he went to Ferica to wake her up.

" Precious come on wake up , it's time for breakfast." She just hummed in response and again went to sleep. He sighed looking at her knowing she is not gonna wake up as he know how big sleepy head she is. He then picked her up in his arms making her snuggle more in his arms and a smile appread on his face looking at her.

He then made her sit on the bathroom counter but she again felt asleep hugging his torso tightly with a pout on her face. Hw chuckled looking at her and tried to woke her up again caressing her hairs lovingly " Love wake up , come on let's get u freshen up then we will go for breakfast downstairs mhmm."

She again just hummed in response falling asleep making him sigh. He then said in his cold voice "Love I am telling you last time to wake up , come on wake up now." She opened her eyes slowly and mumbled in her sleep " Your cold voice is not going to work on me Ansh, try something else."

He sighed hearing her and mumbled " Now I can't even complain as I am the one who spoiled her but what can I do I can't even be angry at these adorable human being who is sleeping in my arms peacefully."

He chuckled hearing himself and brushed her teeth in her sleepy state only. After brushing her teeth she was fully awake and wished him with a bright smile on her face " Good morning Ansh." He smiled looking at her and wished her back kissing her forhead " Good morning to you too precious."

" Come on now precious , you take bath then we will both go downstairs for breakfast." She nodeed her head and asked him " What time is it Ansh." He replied her after checking time on his wrist watch " It's 6:40 a.m in the morning but why are you asking precious?"

Her eyes widened hearing him as she asked with suprised tone " Whatt , we will have breakfast these early in the morning?" He looked at her with frown on his forhead and asked her confusingly " What do you mean by these early love, it's very common to have breakfast at 7:00 a.m in the morning."

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