♡ Chapter- 23 ♡

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would not
leave you
by yourself in
any situation ever.



Each and every member of the family was worried for both of Ferica and Ekansh. Both of their mothers were crying in there husbands embrace not being able to see there children in these condition.

Ferica's surgery was going on which was very critical and on the other hand Ekansh's treatment was also going on as he had heartattack , yes you heard it right he had heartattack hearing his precious condition.

All of them were shocked when they heard that Ekansh had heartattack but one thing was cleard for Ferica's family that they could not find any other better man then Ekansh for their Ferica.

All the family members was praying to god continuously for both of there children to be safe. The trio was forced to go back to mansion forcefully by the family members as they were not ready to leave their favorite bhai and bhabhi specially in these condition.

Ekansh was in stable condition now that was what doctor informed making all of them sigh in relief that their son was all fine but on the other hand they were worried for their daughter who was fighting for her life.

After straight three hours of surgery doctor informed that Ferica was safe now but she will be kept in observation for next 24 hours. Everyone took breath of relief and her mother cried out of happiness in her father's embrace and thanked god for saving both of her child.

" Haii Kanha tuna laag rakh le mera dono baacho ke. Thank you thank you so much." Her mother prayed to god in her mind wholeheartedly.

Suddenly they all heard yelling from Ekansh's room who was yelling at the nurse to let him go to his precious. Everyone went there to see nurse trying to stop him but what he did next shocked everyone.

" Fucking move from here lady and don't you dare touch me , no other girl is allowed to touch me other than my precious so you better keep some distance from me or else I will fucking kill you."

He yelled loudly making all of them flinch hardly along with that poor nurse who was now trembling in fear. " Now get out of my way damn it."

He again yelled loudly making that nurse ran away from there nodding her head and he stood up from the bed taking out the needle which was attached to his hand making it bleed little.

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