♡ Chapter-16 ♡

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--------------------------Will the news of her pastWill shook her to the Core once again but these time he will be there to hold her in every way--------------------------

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Will the news of her past
Will shook her to the
Core once again
but these time he will
be there to hold her in every way


Both Ferica and Ekansh were sleeping peacefully in eachother's embrace as yesterday was tiring day for both of them. But then Ferica's sleep was broken because of constantly ringing sound of her mobile.

She lazily squinted her eyes and reached out her hand to get her mobile that was on the nightstand. She grabbed her mobile and answered the call without checking the caller Id.

The moment she answered the call she heard the loud yell from the other side " Ferica where are you guys we are waiting for you in the lobby for 20 mins. Don't tell me you forgot that we have to go for shopping and sightseeing at 11:30 in the morning."

Ferica's eyes widened hearing Reyna's voice from the other side and Reyna was correct she actually forgot about it. "Damm it" She cursed under her breath and pressed her lips in thin line before replying her nervously "Yeah I am sorry Reyna I actually forgot about it and you guys can go according to plan we will join you soon. One more thing please also text me the location of you guys." She heard Reyna sighing from the other side and heard saying "Fine but please try to come fast ok." Ferica mumbled a small ok and with that call ended.

Ferica then kept her mobile on the nightstand and looked down to see Ekansh sleeping like a baby on her chest. She smiled looking at him and said caressing his hair "Ekansh come on get up. We have to go for shopping and sightseeing today." He just hummed in his sleep and snuggled in the crook of her neck making her feel ticklish. She sighed knowing he won't leave her nor he is going to get up.

She slowly freed herself from his tight grip and getting out from the bed she took the pillow keeping on the place she was sleeping. Going towards the closet she took out her clothes along with his and decided to wake him up again after taking shower.

The moment she turned around she collided with his hard buffed chest. Due to sudden jerk she startled and was going to fall on her ass but he was fast enough to catch her. She looked at him with wide eyes and said "Ekansh aap na to muja dara hi diya. Aur ek minute aap to sou nahi raha tha?"

He looked at her for a minute and started caressing her cheek with his hand. He then said in his deep morning voice making goosebumps appear all over her body and butterflies dancing in her stomach " You are correct I was sleeping only but when I didn't felt your warmth my sleep broke and that's how I woke up. By the way why did you got out of the bed leaving me alone there?"

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