♡ Chapter- 14 ♡

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--------------------------The love was blooming between the couples

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The love was blooming
between the couples.
Both the couples were happy
to get their partner beside them
every time they needed eachother.


The moment their both lips touched eachother they both felt euphoric feeling crept inside them. He was claiming her lips roughly telling him that she belongs to him and only him but she was not able to match with his pace . He started to move his lips slowly on her lips sensing that she was not able to match his pace making her smile in the kiss. The kiss was slow yet passionate both of their lips moulded with eachother's perfectly like they are made for eachother.

Ekansh broke the kiss and joined their forehead and both of their eyes were closed. Both of them were breathing heavily making their chest go up and down rapidly. They both opened their eyes at the same time and looked at eachother with a small smile playing on both of their lips. He looked at her with the stars in his eyes and said caressing her cheek with his one hand "I am sorry princess for kissing you without your permi..." Before he could complete his sentence Ferica shut him up by placing her lips on his.

Ekansh closed his eyes enjoying the feeling and then after some time he started to kiss her roughly again but these time also she was struggling to match his pace so badly who was devouring her lips crazily like a hungry beast . She groaned in the kiss annoyingly for not be able to match his pace making him smirk in the kiss but then she slightly pulled his hair which was in her fist and now it was his turn to groan in the kiss making her smirk in the kiss . He slowly brought his one hand on the nape of her neck and other hand under her tshirt slightly caressing the side of her waist making goosebumps appear all over her body and a sudden electric spark ran through her body by just his mere touch. She then grabbed his fine silky hair little tightly with one hand and the other hand caressing his hair.

The kiss got more heated up as both of them were kissing eachother hungrily. He slightly pinched her waist with his hand which was under her tshirt making her moan a little in between the kiss. Taking the opportunity he pushed his tongue inside her mouth exploring and tasting each and every corner of her mouth that was literally tasting like strawberry. She moaned loudly in the kiss when she felt him biting her lower lip with his teeth.

Hearing her moan because of him a proud feeling crept inside him and he started kissing her more roughly. Now she was getting out of breath so she tapped his shoulder with her hand indicating him to stop. He realised that she was now getting out of breath so he pulled out of the kiss breathing heavily and saw her breathing heavily with both of her eyes closed and her each hand on the either side of his shoulder.

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