♡ Chapter-12 ♡

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--------------------------He vowed to himself he would treat her every scar whenever she is hurt just like she is healing his inner scar

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He vowed to himself
he would treat
her every scar whenever
she is hurt just like
she is healing
his inner scar.


After they both had their breakfast they left for airport.
On reaching the airport driver opened the door for Ekansh and was going to open the door for Ferica but Ekansh stopped him and said "It's fine I will open the door for her." The driver nodded at him and Ekansh opened the door for Ferica. He held his hand out for her and she gladly accepted his hand and smiled at him coming out of the car.

As they both went inside the airport with their luggage that was carried out by Ekansh's security. Ferica spotted her friends and holding his hands she went towards her friends where they were standing. She tapped Isha's shoulder making her turn to face Ferica. She hugged Ferica tightly and said "Finally you are here we all were waiting for you." Ferica smiled hugging her back and was about to say something but she was engulfed in a hug by Aditya and Devam as they both pushed Ishita aside. "We miss you soo much Ferica." She smiled and hugged them back saying "I missed you too guys."

"So you didn't missed me Ferica?" Ferica broked the hug with Aditya and Devam to look at the owner of the voice and it was Reyna who was pouting cutely folding her hands on her chest. Ferica smiled shaking her head and gone towards her taking her in a hug saying "How can I not miss you my bestie. I missed you the most." Reyna smiled hugging back tightly and said "I know and I missed you too so much. It dosen't feel good without you and moreover that bitch Aisha is also joining us on the trip." Ferica's mouth formed an o shape hearing the new information.

As they both broke the hug Ferica was pulled by her hand by Devam and he whispered something in her ears making her eyes go wide. She looked at him smiling brightly and hugged him tightly whispering in his ears "I am sooo happy for you , finally you realized."
Before he could hug her back she was pulled out of hug harshly by none other than Ekansh who was standing there dumbfoundedly from the past ten minutes and what was more suprising that nobody had noticed his presence yet.

A gasp left her mouth due to sudden jerk and she stumbled a bit but sighed in relief that he was holding her tightly. She looked at his face and saw he was glaring dangerously at four of them with his cold scary grey eyes making four of them shiver under his gaze. "Don't hug my woman like that and it doesn't matter if you are a man or woman. I don't like it." He said in is authorative and cold tone making all four of them nod their head in agreement.

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