♡ Chapter-15 ♡

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(Thank you thank you so much guys for loving these story. To everyone who voted, commented and read my story. I thank you guys from my whole heart speaking honestly when I started writing I didn't thought that these story would get these much response. These story had crossed 2.26k views that means so much to me. Thank you once again guys for your support. Always stay healthy and happy. One more think today is proud moment for India for us for launching Chandrayan-3 successfully on moon's south pole creating the history.)


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He dosen't want to her lose her
in his nightmare
nor in his reality.
But what if his nightmare
will become his reality someday.


They both entered the restaurant area of their hotel and saw all four of them sitting there except Aaisha. They both went towards them and sat on both of their perspective seats after greeting all of them.

Ferica noticed Devam and Reyna was holding eachother's hand smiling to eachother. Her eyes widened and she loudly screamed standing up from her seat making others startled "Oh my god , oh my god congratulations both of youu. I am so happy finally you both are together." Both Devam and Reyna looked at her with a blush decorated on both of their cheeks.

Reyna stood up from her seat and hugged Ferica tightly. Ferica smiled hugging her back and heard Reyna saying "Thank you so much Ferica because you accidentally revealed his secret crush on me we are together or else I don't think these idiot would have confessed to me about his feelings."

Ferica laughed slightly hearing her and said "No need to thank me and also I didn't reveled accidentally. I also know that you have crush on him." Reyna pulled out of the hug and with a confused frown on her face "Wait how did you know that I have crush on him , I didn't even told you?" Ferica looked at her with mischievous smile on her lips and wiggling her eyebrows teasing her.

Reyna looked at her suspiciously and said whiningly "Come on tell me , don't give me these looks." Ferica laughed and said with teasing smile playing on her lips "Remember you gave me your mobile to call bhai as my mobile was out of battery so I saw a picture of Devam as your wallpaper of him sipping coffee and it looked like someone clicked it secretly." All the heads snapped towards Ferica with a surprised look on there face except Ekansh ofcourse as he was already busy in staring at his beauty in front of him.

Reyna's eyes widened like soccers and her cheeks was flushed red with embarrassment. She then glared at Ferica reveling her secret but Ferica stuck out her tongue playfully at her. Reyna looked at Devam for his reaction but to her surprise a big bright smile was lingering on his lips making her blush more because of his stares. She slowly walked towards her seat back which was beside Devam and whispered slowly
"Stop looking at me like that." He shook his head saying "No I won't beside I didn't know that you had my wallpaper and that too of secretly clicked photo."
Now she is more embarrassed and choose not to reply making him laugh slightly.

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