♡ Chapter- 46 ♡

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_______________________________________________I can never be angry of her no matter how many tantrums her throw or how many mood swings she have

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I can never be angry
of her no matter
how many tantrums her throw
or how many mood swings she have

~ Ekansh Rathore



Everyone one was having their breakfast silently when Suman decided to break it " I thought of going for a mini vacation in our village as it's been long time we didn't even visited our haveli there and also I will meet my brother , what say everyone?"

" It's good idea ma , it will be fun." Aman said as everyone nodded their head in agreement. " So then start packing your things we will go after two days." Pritam spoke as trio along with Ferica cheered loudly being excited. " We can't come all of you go as I have some important works to finish." Ekansh announced.

Ferica's eyes widened hearing him as she said " Ansh please let's go na , it will be fun please it's just a matter of few days." Ekansh just shook his head negatively and said " Try to understand precious we can't go now please we will go some other time , I have very important meetings lined up back to back and aslo I am working on very important project."

" No Ansh I want to go please let's go na , please." Ferica whined as Meghna aslo supported her saying " Yes Ekansh beta it's just matter of few days please come with us." But Ekansh just shook his head negatively as Ferica said one more time trying to convince him " Please Ansh preety please it will be fun with whole family."

Ekansh banged his fist on the table loudly making all of them flinch and then yelled in anger " STOP IT PRECIOUS , CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF THE SIMPLE WORD NO AT ONCE AND STOP BEING SO STUBBORN." Ferica's eyes filled with tears as she threw the glass of water on the floor making it shatter into pieces and yelled loudly " YOU ARE SO BAD ANSH." With that she ran out of the dining room making him sigh.

They all were shocked seeing her like these because it's the first time ever she acted like these as Ekansh massaged his head and mumbled " Now a days her mood swings are so unpredictable. " He sighed and getting up from his seat he took her breakfast plate going towards their room.

He entered the room to see her eating chocolate angrily with tears streaming down her cheeks. He kept the plate on the side table and going towards her he took the chocalate from her hands.

She looked at him and yelled angrily " WHY ARE YOU HERE GO , YOU HAVE MEETINGS LINED UP RIGHT AND ALSO GIVE ME BACK MY CHOCOLATE. " He looked at her being unbothered by her yellings and said calmly " You look cute precious with that chocolate smudge all over your lips."

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