♡ Chapter- 21 ♡

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--------------------------Life is not a fairytale that it will always happen what we thinkthat will happen

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Life is not a
that it will always
happen what we think
that will happen.


It was 12:00 p.m in the afternoon when Ferica reached at the RATHORE MANSION. After paying to the cab driver now she was standing outside the Rathore Mansion nervously biting her lips as it was her first time to come here.

She took a deep breath and started walking towards the large gates of the mansion. The moment she reached near the giant gates the first thing she noticed that there was hundreds of guards with guns in each and every one's hand.

She was confused for a moment like why these much security is needed here. " Budduhu (Idiot) Ferica ofcourse they will need these tight security as they are The Rathores who rules the business industry." She said slapping her forehead talking to herself.

The moment guards saw her , all the guards bowed to her and let the giant gate open making her take a look of the beautiful mansion in front of her.

It was very awkward for her as every guard present there was bowing to her as she was walking on the path that leads to the main giant gate of the mansion.

So not to look awkward she bowed back to every guard who was bowing at her making all the guards to look at her in suprise as no one bowed back to them when they bowed to the person.

On reaching the mansion's main door guards opened the door for her making her mumble small thank you to them taking all of them in shock once again.

On entering the mansion the first thing she saw was both the twins Reeyan and Riya fighting with each other.

" I won't leave you freaking Reeyan Rathore for eating my chocolates."
Riya yelled at his twin brother while pulling his hair making him scream in pain.

" I didn't knew it was yours. I just ate that damn chocolates at it was in the fridge." Reyaan yelled back at his twin sister also pulling her hair back. These time it was her turn to scream in pain.

Ferica's eyes widened seeing them like these pulling each other's hair and yelling loudly. She immediately went towards the twins pulling them apart from each other.

The moment the twins realised that she was Ferica, Reyaan was the first one to go and hug her complaining about Riya for pulling his hair like these , even though it was not his fault.

" Bhabhi I swear I didn't ate her chocolates purposely , it was just the yummy chocolates were in fridge so I ate them without knowing it was her's and without knowing she started to pull my hair harshly. Poor me."

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