♡ Chapter-11 ♡

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(First of all thank you guys for supporting these story. We finally reached 1k. Thank you once again guys 😭💞. Sorry for late update)


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He didn't believed
in love as he
was never loved
but she taught him
that love is a


After dropping Ferica her home he drove back to the mansion. Entering the mansion he saw his family sitting in the living room laughing and talking to eachother. He sighed and loosing his tie we walked past them.

As he was going towards the staircase he halted on his steps hearing his mother's voice "Ekansh on upcoming Monday means after your engagement on Sunday there is your grandmother's birthday so please take a half day leave from office as we have organized a grand party and also Ferica's family would also be here."

Listening to Ferica's name his eyes twinkled but he hide it quickly and just nodded at his mother's words with his expressionless face. After coming to his room he went straight to take shower. After taking shower he came and laid on his bed but sleep was far away from him. He sighed getting up from the bed and went downstairs taking his car keys completely ignoring his family who was calling him.

"Where did he went in so much hurry?" His mother mumbled but Reeyan heard it and answered her question "Ofcourse to meet bhabhi, where else he can even go." Everyone looked at Reeyan and Akansh answered to everyone's confused frown on their face "Don't worry he even went yesterday to her home or should I say sneak into Ferica's room by climbing the pipe of Ferica's room to meet her as there was some misunderstanding between them." Everyone's mouth formed in o shape hearing that but soon replaced by smile as they both were trying in there relationship.


After he drooped her home she went inside the house to only meet with pure silence. She then suddenly remembered that Aayush texted her that they all are going to her mother's parents house except grandma and grandpa as they have gone to some of their relative's wedding. Both her grandparents will return after two days and her parents will return tomorrow evening with both her siblings.

So that means she is alone tonight in the house all by herself . She excitedly jumped and hurriedly went towards her room to take shower. After taking shower she went downstairs straight in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see a big tub of icecream that her brother had bought for her before going. Her eyes twinkled with joy as he took the tub of icecream before going to her room.

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