♡ Chapter- 32 ♡

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--------------------------His heartbeat races upwhenever he sees her adorable smile and he always thinks " How am I so lucky to havethese beautiful human being in my life!!"--------------------------

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His heartbeat races up
whenever he sees her adorable smile and
he always thinks " How am I so lucky to have
these beautiful human being in my life!!"


Finally the engagement function was over and now everyone was in their perspective rooms. " Ahh ahh Ansh do slowly please." Ferica moaned in pain. " I am sorry precious but I am trying my best to do slowly as much as I can so you won't get hurt." He said justifying himself.

" But still Ansh try to take out that hairpins from my hair slowly it's hurting as well as my hair strands is also breaking. " She told him making him hum in response and he again concentrated on taking out hairclips from her hair but these time extra carefully.

" And done " He said taking out the last hairpin from her hair making both of them sigh in relief. She then hugged him tightly and snuggling in his chest as she complaint like a child with pout on her lips. " I am not gonna do any hairstyle in our upcoming wedding functions , I will just keep my hair open"

He chuckled hearing her and said massaging her scalp "Whatever suits you precious, you are beautiful to me in every aspect." She smiled hearing him and mumbled against his chest " I am so lucky to have you Ansh, thank you for everything. "

He smiled slightly and said " I am more lucky to have you in my life precious, remember when I told you that you are my bundle of joy and I really mean it. You are the brightest star in my universe love."

" I love you so much Ansh, I feel like the luckiest woman alive." She said hugging him more tightly as she can feel tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. He chuckled hearing her and said " I love you more precious now come on let's get you changed and also have to remove your make up right. "

She nodded her head against his chest and lazily mumbled " Can't we do all our wedding functions wearing comfortable clothes like shorts and t-shirt instead of these heavy uncomfortable outfits." He shook his head with a smile on his face hearing her talks and mumbled kissing her forhead "Silly girl". She pouted hearing him but choose not to reply as she was tired making him chuckle looking at her annoyed face.

He got up from the bed with her in his arms and went towards the bathroom to freshen up her. After she took bath he made her wear bathrobe around her body trying his best not to touch her bare skin making her uncomfortable. After he successfully tied the knot of her bathrobe he removed the blindfold from his eyes.

He gulped hard the moment he saw her in bathrobe and water droplets dripping from her hair on her face to her collarbone making her look so sexy to him. He shook his head and taking her hand in his hand he guided her to their bedroom. Now they both were standing in front of each other. " I am so sorry precious." He said making her confuse but soon her eyes widened when she felt his lips on her.

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