♡ Chapter- 9 ♡

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----------------------Waking up in eachother's embrace is the most blissful feeling in the world

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Waking up in
is the
most blissful
feeling in the


Both of them were sleeping peacefully in eachother's embrace but Ferica's sleep was broken due to sunlight coming on her face disturbing her sleep. Looking up to see his face she saw him sleeping like a baby. She blocked the sunrays with her hands that was coming on his face.

She was admiring his sleeping figure and couldn't resist the urge to kiss his cheeks that was so puffy due to pillow. She brought her lips near his cheeks and planted a long kiss on his cheeks. She looked at him who was still sleeping like a baby and a shy smile appeared on her face.

She bopped her nose with his and giggled murmuring "He is so cute while sleeping just like a baby." She again bopped her nose with him and giggled more loudly these time but her giggling stopped when she saw him looking at her with his grey eyes and a smirk on his lips.

Her eyes widened and she tried to got up but his grip on her waist tightened pulling her close to him not leaving gap between them making her gasp. "Taking advantage of your sleeping fiance are we?" He said in his deep morning voice making goosebumps erupt all over her body.

"No I didn't take any advantage of you is it wrong to kiss my own fiance." She said confidently looking straight into his fine grey eyes. " No it is not wrong but it would be too good if you would kiss me like these when I am awake I would appreciate it." He said snuggling into her neck.

"Ok ok now stop it feels ticklish" She said giggling loudly making him snuggle more into her neck. "Ekansh stopp it tickles" she said giggling more loudly.
He finally stopped and looked at her who was breathing heavily.

"Now give me my morning kiss. Come on fast." He said pointing at his cheeks. "No I have already given you morning kiss now let me go." She said trying to free herself from her strong grip. "Ok you don't give me but your morning kiss is left so I will give you." He said bringing his lips near her cheeks but couldn't kiss her as they both flinch hearing a loud yell.

"Ferica come downstairs for breakfast and bring my son-in-law too." Priya yelled from downstairs. She looked at him in shock but his face was neutral.
"How does mumma knows that you are here?" She asked panicking.

"Why are you panicking princess relax." Ekansh said in his calm tone. "What do you mean by relax , what they will think about us?" She said loudly biting her nails.
"Stop biting your nails princess no one will think about anything. We are going to get married it's all ok. Mhmm now go and freshen up." He said placing a kiss on her forehead. She nodded and went to bathroom but halted and told him to come with her in bathroom.

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