♡ Chapter- 6 ♡

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They both were
feeling some
sparks when they
are with eachother but
can't figure it out
what is that



Coming out from the Ferica's house they both went towards his car. Ekansh opened the passenger seat for her like a gentleman.

"A gentleman , I see." Ferica said wiggling her eyebrows at him. " Only for you madam." Ekansh said to her and bowed his head. She laughed at his antics making him smile. He closed her door and went to his driver's seat.

He wore his seatbelt and looked at the woman beside him who was sitting without wearing a seatbelt. " Ferica wear your seatbelt. " She looked at him and nodded wearing her seatbelt. "He is a complete idiot, couldn't he make me wear it just like in fictions. I forgot these is not a fiction. " She murmured under her breath and pouted.

Her eyes widened when she saw him leaning towards her. He came dangerously close to her looking straight into her black beautiful eyes. She broke the eye contact and looked down being nervous because of their closeness. He tilted his head and whispered in her ear
" It's not like that I couldn't make you wear seatbelt on my own but I thought it would make you uncomfortable so I told you. If you want I can remove your seatbelt and make you wear again. Also stop reading so much fictions. "

Ferica was looking down the whole time , her cheeks and neck are red due to embarrassment. She gathered some courage and looked at him who was looking at her smirking. She put her hands on his chest and pushed his but he didn't moved an inch " No it's fine you don't need to make me wear seatbelt again. Now can you please move." She said in her sweet tone looking into his eyes.

He nodded his head and went back to his seat with a teasing smile on his face making her more embarrassed. " Stop looking at me like that now let's go I am hungry. " She said pouting he just laughed at her cuteness.

The whole ride was silent but there was comfortable silence. The car halted at luxurious five star hotel and she looked at him and said " We are going to have breakfast here?" He just nodded his head.

" But it looks so expensive. Come let's have breakfast at some small cafe it will be good." She said smiling at him. " But why do you want to eat your breakfast at some cheap cafe. I earn enough to afford luxurious breakfast here and moreover the breakfast here is hygienic." He said looking at her in confusion.

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