♡ Chapter- 8 ♡

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--------------------------He was hurt but she cried and her tears hurted his heart

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He was hurt
she cried
her tears
his heart.


Carrying Ferica in his arms Aayush came inside his house. Seeing her unconscious her mother and father hurriedly went towards them and asked Aayush worriedly "What happened to our Ferica?"

"Mom dad relax she is just sleeping nothing else happened." Aayush said making his parents sigh in relief. With that he took her to her bedroom and laid her on her covering her with blanket. He kissed his sister's forehead and mumbled "I hope she will be here with us soon."

With that he got up from her bed and made his way towards the exit of her room but halted when he heard Ferica screaming he immediately turned around and went near her bed.

" Please please don't do that to her please. She is innocent pleaseeeee." She screamed and sat up on her bed sweating heavily even though air conditioner was on. She saw her brother and hugged him tightly sobbing loudly saying " She didn't deserved that bhai. Tell her to wake up, I am missing her so much bhai. Tell her not to leave me alone bhai. Tell her bhai please."

Aayush hugged her back tightly and caressed her head as tears were also flowing from his eyes " Shh baccha don't cry be strong for her. She will wake up soon don't lose hope. We will go and meet her tomorrow ok. Now please stop crying, you know she doesn't like it when you cry right. So stop crying my strong baccha." The both brother-sister duo cried in eachother embrace while Aayush consoling her.


After Aayush took her he told the trio strictly and in his cold tone to finish their meal and go to mansion without worrying about Ferica as the trio were constantly telling him to take them to her house.

After finishing their meal trio went to their mansion and Ekansh went to his office for the meeting. He entered the building with his usual cold face and dark aura. Everyone greeted him but he ignored them all and went towards his private elevator. He pressed the 60th floor button in the elevator and after reaching their he went straight in his office slamming the door loudly.

He sat on his chair massaging his head as his whole mind was occupied with Ferica. He couldn't concentrate on anything he do. He sighed and looked at his wrist watch it was 5:00 in the evening. He got up from his chair buttoning his suit and went towards his conference room. As he entered he saw no one was present these made his blood boil and he called his secretary.

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