♡ Chapter- 28 ♡

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(We are gonna soon hit 20k reads and 1k votes. Fuckkk I can't believe. These all is possible because of your guys support and love. Thank you thank you very very much guys love you all a lots. Stay healthy and happy forever. These chapter is quite short please bare with it. I am so sorry guys.)

--------------------------They both were experiencing the feeling called love which was very foreign to them

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They both were experiencing
the feeling called love
which was very foreign
to them. There love was pure and
was blooming slowly slowly
like a cherry blossom.


He turned around after he heard her saying that she is done with changing her clothes. His breath hitched the moment he saw her in his clothes which was so huge for her. He was staring at her without blinking with galaxy in his eyes as she was looking so adorable like a baby.

He was traced out of his thoughts when he heard her saying more like whining caressing her stomach "Anshh me and my baby are so hungry." He chuckled at her and said peaking her pouty lips.

" Alright come on daddy will feed my babies delicious food." She giggled loudly hearing him making him giggle too but suddenly a gasp left her mouth when she felt herself in air knowing that he picked her up again.

The moment he entered the dining area of his mansion all the guards and maids bowed at him but he ignored them all making his way to the kitchen. The maids who were in kitchen also bowed at him.

" All of you leave the kitchen and also tell all the guards to leave the dining area. Do not entre the dining area till I call all of you. Is that clear?" He ordered them in his as usual cold dark tone making all of them shiver except Ferica.

" Yes Sir" They all said together and went out before bowing at him. He then made her sat on the kitchen counter and asked her in his soft tone caressing her cheek " What would you like to have precious?"

Ferica was amused by his sudden change in voice from cold to soft but shooing off her thoughts she said answering his question. " Umm Ansh what about macaroni with extra cheese?" She said the double cheese part licking her lips imagining the yummy taste of macaroni.

He chuckled looking at her and said patting her head like a child making her whine " Anything for my precious. " She smiled at him and said licking her lips with stars in her eyes " Please then make fast I'm so hungry but wait do you even know how to cook in first place?"

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