♡ Chapter- 7 ♡

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--------------------------He was happiest seeing her smilebut seeing her tears he felt to burn the whole world

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He was happiest
seeing her smile
seeing her tears
he felt to burn
the whole world.


They both were choosing Ferica's outfit but now Ferica was irritated because Ekansh has rejected more than ten dresses and the reason is some had too deep neck, some was revealing and other had too deep back.

" Let me try at least one dress on me. Without even seeing me in that dresses you are rejecting all of them . I am tired Ekansh. We also have to select your outfit and go to jewellery shop to select our engagement rings today itself. Then you also have meeting in the evening. You won't get little time to rest if you keep rejecting dresses like these. Your health matters to me most Ekansh." She now said in her serious tone looking straight into his grey eyes.

" But what can I do I don't like any of these dresses." He said pouting like a kid looking at her making her shook her head and sighing she said pointing at a particular outfit" See that dress the one in the white with light sade of pink. How's it.?" He looked at that dress and said " It's perfect not much skin reveling. I really like that dress." She rolled her eyes at his words.

" Then I will try these out." Saying these she went in the trial room taking the dress. She wore that but the problem is locking the hooks of her blouse which was at the back of her blouse. She sighed and called the staff for help.

She felt someone entering the trial room and from the mirror she saw it was Ekansh her eyes widened. She immediately turned around making her back face the wall and she said " What are you doing here?" He didn't replied her instead keep walking till he reached where she was standing hovering her small petite figure.

" To help my fiance. Any problem?". He whispered slowly in her ear in his deep voice making her legs go weak.
She looked at him blushing and said " No but I called staff for help , then why are you here?"

He caressed her cheek with his hand lovingly making her blush more and said " Because I don't like anyone to see what's mine. It doesn't matter even if it's a girl. That's why I came." She looked at him and said " Aren't you being much possessive Mr. Rathore?"

He chuckled darkly pulling her from her waist while his other hand was still caressing her cheek and said
" You are right Mrs. Rathore I am very possessive over my things from the start , I don't share what's mine and I will never."

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