♡ Chapter-17 ♡

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--------------------------Soulmates are not always found in your life partner always it can also be foundin  your bestfriend

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Soulmates are not always
found in your
life partner always
it can also be found
in your



" Hello Aayush what happened?" Ekansh asked worriedly seeing his precious standing there like a statue. " I will tell you everything but please just come back fast both of you and also I will text you the location just come there directly." Before Ekansh could say something the line ended from other side.

Keeping the mobile aside he saw down to look at her who was still standing there in shock in his arms but these time tears was rolling down her eyes. He than sat on the bed making her sit on his lap and lifted her chin up to made her look at him.

The moment her teary eyes meet with his grey eyes a loud sob left her mouth making his heart ache. She then hugged him tightly and started sobbing loudly continuously making him more worried about her now. He started patting her hair trying to calm her down as this is the first time someone is crying in his arms and he don't know how to console her.

He was continuously patting her head along with caressing her back in order to calm her down. After some time her crying slowed down a little and she said
"Let's go back now Ekansh please and don't ask me any questions I will tell you myself once we will reach there. But please let's go back first please." Her crying started again after finishing the sentence.

He looked at her and said in his soft tone wiping her tears away from her chubby cheeks that was now red from continuous crying " Shhhh shh don't cry precious please it's hurting me seeing you cry , so please don't cry mhmm. We are leaving now let me just make a call ok and our luggage will be delivered to us in the afternoon ok. Now stop crying princess mhmm." Listening to him she nodded her head wiping the tears from her chubby cheeks and took deep breaths trying to calm herself down a little.

He then called his secretary telling him to make the arrangements for them to leave immediately and with that he ended the call. He looked at her who was sleeping like a baby on his lap and caressed her hair picking her up in bridal style in his arms walking outside the hotel room.

Exiting the hotel 5 cars was standing in a line as four cars was for there security. He sat in the car with her in his arms and adjusted her in a comfortable position on his lap. He ordered his driver to take straight to their private airport where there private jet was.

Reaching the airport he took her in his arms and walked straight towards where there private jet was.
On entering the jet he made her lay on the bed kissing her forehead and exited the room to do some work on his laptop. After completing his work he stretched his hands and looked at his wrist watch to see still there is half an hour left to reach.

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