♡ Chapter- 40 ♡

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__________________________________________________________No matter how bigargument is butlove and trust for eachotheryou can always overcomeout of argument

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No matter how big
argument is but
love and trust for eachother
you can always overcome
out of argument.


After coming back home Ferica directly went inside her room without talking to anyone. She went inside her room and layed on her bed without even changing her clothes. Tears started to fall from her eyes remebring today's events. It was supposed to be her best day but it turned out to be her worst day.

When they were returning to home Ekansh didn't even spared a glance at her making her hurt more. She sobbed hard digging her head in the pillow as she heard the notification on her phone. She immediately picked up her phone in hopes that it will be from her Ansh but all her hopes crushed when she saw the notification from a app.

Again tears started to fall from her eyes as she looked at her mobile's wallpaper it was of Ansh that he took it secretly. She then wiped her tears and said encouraging herself " Don't cry Ferica be strong you got these."

She got idea in her mind as she called Reeyan. " Heyoo bhabhi ma whatsup. " Ferica chuckled hearing him as she replied " I am totally fine baccha , how about you." Reeyan replied in a duhh tone "Ofcourse I am also perfectly fine babhi ma."

Ferica smiled hearing him as she said " Reeyan I want your help , will you help me?" Reeyan immediately replied " Ofcourse bhabhi ma these worker is at your service always." She laughed hearing him and then she asked " Is your bhai still awake?"

Reeyan hummed in response making her smile brightly as she said " So I am coming at The Rathore's Mansion now so can you please help me to meet your bhai." Reeyan smirked and said teasing her "Romance and all huhh not bad not bad bhabhi ma."

Ferica rolled her eyes hearing him as she said " Chup pagal , just tell me you are going to help me or not?" Reeyan then replied to her " Alright then bhabhi ma deal done." Ferica giggled hearing him and said " Thank you so much Reeyan."

Reeyan smiled from the other side and replied " Anything for you bhabhi ma." Ferica hummed in response and said " Alright then I will be there in 15 minutes , byee." With that the line went dead after Reeyan said goodbye.

As she reached The Rathore Mansion she saw Reeyan standing outside using his mobile. Ferica went behind him and tapped his shoulder making him jump in fear as he said keeping the hand on his heart " You scared me bhabhi ma."

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