♡ Chapter- 10 ♡

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--------------------------She made him experience the things for the first time that he never experienced in his life but he was happy to experience it all if that makes her happy

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She made him experience
the things for the
first time that he never
experienced in his life
but he was happy to experience
it all if that makes
her happy.


They both reached the jewellery shop and went in the jewellery shop after parking the car. They both entered holding eachother's hand and the staff bowed to them Ferica smiled at the staff bowing back but Ekansh being Ekansh ignored them all and went straight to the rings counter.

He first made her sit making her smile at him for his gesture and he passed her a small smile taking a seat beside her. "Show me the most expensive and beautiful rings." He said to the jeweller in his cold and authoritative tone. Ferica looked at him and said taking his hand in her hand " We don't have to buy so much expensive ring you know."

He looked at her and said keeping his other hand on her hand which was holding his hand "You don't need to worry about it princess and I will take the most beautiful ring for you because when it comes to you money dosen't matter to me. So now stop worrying about expenses and choose the ring without worrying about the price." She nodded at him helplessly knowing he doesn't gonna listen to her.

All beautiful rings were presented in front of them. Ferica looked at the beautiful rings that was in front of her making her confuse that which ring she should choose. She looked at Ekansh and said pouting tucking the hem of his shirt like a child " I am so confused please help me to choose one." He looked at her who was pouting and the urge to kiss her pouty lips was getting hard to control.

He cleared his throat and said "Choose whatever you like princess if you want all of them we can buy all of them. You want to buy all of them?" Ferica looked at him with wide eyes and said "What are you even saying. I admit I like all the rings here but that doesn't mean I will buy all. I just want one ring and that not too expensive one and beside that it's just waste of money to buy all yhe rings."

"Alright alright princess I got it now at least don't give me lecture." He said complaining to her to which she rolled her eyes and again focused on choosing her ring. "Princess look at these ring. How's it?" He asked pointing at the beautiful diamond ring. "It's really gorgeous but it would be expensive too. Let's choose some other ring." She said and again turned her focus to rings.

Ekansh looked at the stubborn girl beside him and shook his head. He suddenly pulled her chair with his hand near him making her look at him woth her doe eyes. "What what are you doing?" He didn't said anything but brought his hand near her cheek caressing it lovingly and said "If you like it you will get it. Not only these but whatever you will like you will have that thing in front of your eyes the very next moment. So now stop worrying about how expensive it is just get it ok and you know I don't like to repeat myself. Now be a good girl and take whatever you want."

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