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__________________________________________________________Finally it is our happy endingafter so much crazy things happend in our lives

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Finally it is our
happy ending
after so much crazy things
happend in our lives.
~ Ferica and Ekansh Rathore


Ferica was screaming in pain in the labor room. " Mrs. Rathore please push more we can one's head." Ferica shook her head crying loudly " I can't do it anymore doctor." Just then the door burst open as Ekansh was standing there and he walked towards her caressing her hairs mumbling " You can do it precious."

Ferica nodded her head and screamed while pushing as finally the one baby is out making her cry more. " Mrs. Rathore please try to push more we got another one also." Ferica nodded her head and pushed the baby out with all of her strenght as she went unconscious immediately. " Give Mrs. Rathore injection and then shift her to normal ward."

Ekansh who was standing frozen at his place when he saw his two babies in the doctor's hand. "Congralutations Mr. Rathore it's a baby boy and a baby girl and we will bring them back after cleaning up them." Ekansh just nodded his head still can't beliving that there are someone who will call him father.

He than looked at the woman who was sleeping peacefully and kissed her forhead lovingly. Before he could say something a nurse interrupted him and said nervously " Umm Mr. Rathore I have to give Mrs. Rathore injection and also clean her up so can you please go outside?"

He nodded his head and went out where both the families was waiting for the good news. He gone towards them and whispered " It's a boy and a girl." Everyone cheered excitedly hearing him and cheered loudly hugging eachother. The doctor came there and said " Mr. Rathore you can meet your wife and children."

He nodded his head and went inside to see his precious smiling at those two adorable human beings. He gone towards her and said peaking her lips " I am so proud of you precious." She smiled hearing him and said " We both are officially parents of these little munchkins. " Ekansh nodded his head as he said hugging her tightly " Yes we are precious."

" Ansh give me them to me I want to see them." He nodded his head and hesitatly picked the babygirl in his arms who was looking at him with her big doe grey eyes just like her father but soon smiled brightly seeing her father.

Ekansh looked at her who was smiling brightly looking at him , her smile was just like her mother as he whispered with tears in his eyes " My little precious. " Ferica smiled looking at him who was crying looking at his little precious in his arms securely as he said " She is so tiny precious what if I will drop her."

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