♡ Chapter- 22 ♡

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(These Chapter is very long like 2999 words. You might get bored haha. But these is not the ending there is more to come in these story. I have lot of things in mind and I am not that sure that you guys will love it but trust me it will be happy ending like you all wanted so please keep faith in me and keep supporting and loving my book like you all did till now. We are so close to 10k reads and we already got 500+ votes on these story. I can't be more thankful to you guys. Thank you so much all of you it will be less no matter how many times I will thank all of you guys)

 Thank you so much all of you it will be less no matter how many times I will thank all of you guys)

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There is no Ekansh
without Ferica
and there is no Ferica
without Ekansh.
Just like Radha Rani and Krishna!!



There was comfortable silence between them as Ferica was sitting on his lap playing with his shirt's button and Ekansh caressing her hairs lovingly.

" Ansh " She called him looking up at him making him humm in response. She didn't said anything just kept looking at him making him ask her while caressing her cheek.

" What is it precious , mhmm?" She just shook her head in response and said getting up from his lap " Nothing, come on get freshen up then we have to go to the mumma's boutique collecting our engagement dresses along with trio."

" Whatt why you want trio to tag along with us. We can go alone you know , also I don't want any disturbance when I am with you." He said getting up from the bed walking towards her making her step back.

Her back hitted the wall behind her and now she was caged by him . She pushed him by his shoulders trying to get out from his cage but all her efforts went in vain.

She sighed knowing he won't leave her so she cupped his cheeks and said

" You know we all have to collect our dresses so it will be good if trio will come with us , aslo if they want to make any changes in the design of their dresses they can do it as our engagement is just two days away."

He then took her hands in his hands which was cupping his cheeks and said

" I know that our engagement is in two days but they can go anytime they want to the boutique as they all have their personal drives. So please these time I want just us and no one else. I want to spend time with you as much as I can."

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