♡ Chapter- 29 ♡

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( As I said I will update the Chapter but because of some problems so I couldn't be able to update it , I am so sorry guys. I hope you will enjoy these Chapter. Thank you. Today is cricket world up India vs Australia and I believe India will win for sure. Let's pray for India to win today.)


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Everything is not
what it looks like.
Sometimes there is a reason
behind that person's behavior.


It was 7 in the evening when they both came back to Ekansh's private mansion. He carried her till their bedroom and asked her carefully placing her on the bed " Precious you wanna have shower or change your clothes?" She thought for sometime with a pout on her face making him chuckle.

" I will just change my clothes as I am very lazy to take shower right now" She said lazily and fell on the bed dramatically making him laugh at her antics. " Alright then I will bring my clothes and then will get you changed ok Precious." He said making her nod her nead and she closed her eyes being tired of therapy sessions.

He smiled at her and placing a kiss on her forhead he went to get clothes for her. She smiled with her eyes closed and prayed thanking to Kanha for choosing Ansh for her , making her luckiest woman alive but one thing was bothering her making her smile fade away was her family, she didn't talked to them after today's incident god knows what had happened there after she left.

She decided to talk to her family and sort all these out but first thing she had to do was covince Ansh as he was still angry with her mother that he even stopped calling her mother mom as he used to call before. Her chain of thoughts broke when she felt him patting her head lovingly saying "Precious wake up , let's get you changed mhmm."

Ferica opened her eyes hearing him and spread her arms indicating him to pick her up. He chuckled and picked her up putting the clothes on the bed. After picking her up he made her stand straight mumbling "small baby."

She pouted hearing him and said whiningly "I am not a small baby." He once again chuckled hearing her and said caressing her hair " Ofcourse precious you are not at all small baby." She sulked hearing him making him laugh at her.

" Alright come on now precious I will give you clothes making it in right way then you can change mhmm and then we will have dinner." He said to her but she just shook her head in denial.

" No you make me change my clothes , I am so tired Ansh. Preety please Ansh." She said making him froze at his place and he gulped hard saying " But won't you be uncomfortable precious?" She just shook her head negatively and said " No I am not uncomfortable, please Ansh change my clothes I am so tired of therapy sessions."

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