♡ Chapter- 20 ♡

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( Thank you all of you for loving these book so much. I decided to post these Chapter as today is my birthday. So I hope you all have enjoyed these Chapter. I really wanted to update these story on my special day with you guys as you are also special to me. Thank you once again everyone for your support and I don't think these story would be loved without you guys and your support. Stay happy and stay hydrated everyone.)


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She gave him a
cute nickname
which made him blush
for the first time in his



It's 10:00 a.m in the morning of friday and our Ferica is still sleeping without caring about the outside world. But her sleep was broken due to constant yellings of her mom and Aadya from downstairs calling her for breakfast.

"Ferica, Ferica wake up and get your ass down for breakfast after brushing your teeth in 5 minutes or else I will not give you your favorite cheese toast for breakfast." Priya yelled at her daughter who was not ready to wake up at all. Ferica who was in deep slumber didn't even moved an inch from her mother's yelling.

Priya shook her head getting no response from her and mumbled shaking her head " What can I do to these girl here I am trying to wake her up from past 20 mins but still she is sleeping like a log and now I think I again have to go in her room to wake her up in my style , then only that brat will wake up."

Hearing her Aadya laughed making Priya glare at her and she immediately stopped laughing looking down still trying to control her laugh. She then looked at Priya who was mumbling some inaudible words to herself while walking upstairs to her bestie's room and Aadya mumbled while giggling " All the very best bestie hehe."

On reaching her room Priya looked at her daughter who was sleeping hugging the pillow tightly wrapped in a thick blanket like a baby. She shook her head when she saw her room's air conditioner was at the temperature of 20 degree and fan was on at full speed.

Walking towards her she took the blanket off from her making her whine loudly and she snuggled more in the pillow. Her mother sighed looking at her daughter who was not ready to wake up so she turned off both fan and air conditioner.

Priya then crossed her hands on her chest waiting for her to wake up cause she knows she will wake up in 5 minutes and she was right Ferica woke up whinging loudly sitting on her bed.

" Mummaa why did you turned off A/C and fan , also you took my blanket off from me these is not fair at all. You just broke my dream in which I was going to kis.." her eyes widened and she immediately shut her mouth realizing what she was going to tell her mother.

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