♡ Chapter- 41 ♡

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Sometimes we
say those things
that we didn't ment to say.


Now they both were sitting in the living room as there was still some time to left for starting the sangeet ceremony. " Precious." He called out making Ferica look at him as she hummed in response.
" You know where mom is?" She nodded her head and replied to him " Yes she is in the lawn with papa checking is everything is done alright or not."

He shook his head in denial and asked her once again " Not my mom your mom precious." Ferica's mouth formed an 'o' shape as she asked him " When did you started calling my mumma as mom again." He looked at her and said caresssing her hair " Precious from the day you told me everything after the fight that you had with your family and I thought that I shouldn't have talked to her like that on that day ."

Ferica pulled his cheeks and said " You are so so so cute Ansh." He looked at her with wide eyes and said " Precious how many times I have to tell you that don't call me cute and all when there are many people, I have reputation to hold."

She just rolled her eyes and said once again pulling his cheeks giving him her toothy smile " My cute Mr. Dracula." He sighed knowing she is not gonna listen to him " Now can you please tell me precious where mom is?" She nodded her head and said " She is also in the lawn with ma."

He nodded his head and said getting up from his seat kissing her forhead " Alright love I will be right back mhm." She smiled at him nodding her head. Aadya came and sat beside her making Ferica look at her as Aadya said " Spill the tea babe."

Ferica sighed and told her everything that happened between them. Hearing it Aadya whispered yelled with her eyes widened " WHAT , are you dumb or something Rica how can you do these to my sweet jiju." Ferica rolled her eyes and said " I know it was my fault but you know how your sweet jiju treated me after that."

Aadya sighed and said holding her hands in her hands " Rica I know it's not easy to forget what happend in past but please try to forget it as I am not telling you to completely forget it but atleast we both can try right?"

Ferica nodded her head as Aadya hugged her tightlt and mumbled " I love you Rica." Ferica chuckled at her and said hugging her back tightly " I love you too Aadya."

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