♡ Chapter- 36 ♡

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4th update in a row 😅🤧

_________________________________________________________Some beautiful bonds are formed with the person you never imagined to be formed

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Some beautiful bonds are formed with the
person you never imagined to be formed.


A lady entered the Rathore Enterprises with a charming smile on her face as everyone bowed to her making her bow back at them as she went directly towards the private lift and pressed the 60th floor where Ekansh's cabin is.

She entered his cabin without knocking and the scene front of her made her gulp hard there he was working on laptop with his sleeves folded of his black shirt till the midway of his arms as there were clear display of his veiny arms , with that his tie was losen a bit and on top of that his icy grey eyes stuck on the computer screen with him typing something vigorously with his long slender fingers.

She faned herself with her hand as it was too much hot to handle for her as he was literally looking like a five course meal with his messy hair that was cherry on top. Sensing someone's presence he looked up to see the most beautiful woman standing there. He leaned back on his chair and looked at her from up to down with a smrik playing on his lips making her shy.

" Lock the door and come here." He commended in his cold voice making shivers ran down her spine and goosebumps errupted all over her body. She once again gulped hard and locking the door she started walking towards him.

When she was close to him he pulled her by her waist making her land on his lap. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered sexily in his ear with a smrik plastered on her lips making him close his eyes as a groan left his mouth " Wouldn't your fiance know that you are cheating on her with me."

He opened his eyes when he felt her tracing his jawline with her finger and grabbed her hand twisting it behind her back pulling her more closer to him as he whispered snuggling into the crock of her neck making her bit her rosy lips " You don't have to worry about it , she wouldn't know anything."

She smrik at his words and said " But you know if my fiance will know he will be very angry as he is very possessive over me and maybe there are high chances that he can also kill you as he always says I don't like to share what's mine."

" Ohh really , but I bet he isn't more powerful than me." He said facing her with a proud smrik on his face. She thought for sometime and said " Yess he his more powerful than you , wanna know how?"

He nodded his head telling her to go ahead. She smiled putting her head on his chest and said controlling her laugh " He is more powerful than you because he is very powerful tall DRACULA hahaha."

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