A Silent Misunderstanding - Giulio Gandini

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Word Count: 2370

Paring: Giulio Gandini x gn!reader

Warnings: Spoilers for My Hero Academia: You're Next, Slight Spoilers for the My Hero Manga (nothing huge just talk about the clean up efforts), Ooc Giulio (As far as I know this is the first Giulio fic so I don;t know how others write for him and it might be a little off nothing to bad though)

A/n: Hello all, this is based of the above request form my tumblr. Anyways enjoy, remember requests are open, and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Living in the U.A. shelter was not how I expected my spring to go, but alas with the war between Villains and Heroes reaching its turning point there wasn't any other option. Though unlike most of the refugees staying in U.A., I was brought here after I helped take down Dark Might. I was working alongside my close friend Giulio to locate and kill his boss Miss Anna, who had been kidnapped by the Gullini family, when we ran into the students of Class A. After the battle to take out the crime family, the three of us were offered shelter within U.A. in case friends of the Gullinis tried to come after us.

We were each given rooms within the many U.A Dormitories where the students normally stayed. Luckily we had ended up in the same building and we're able to spend our time together. Even though the state of the world isn't great, we have been settling nicely into our temporary life. Most days are spent talking and trying to ignore the growing threat of villains, or walking around the shelter and learning about the campus we currently call home.

It's usually all of us who go on these walks but every now and then Anna doesn't join, leaving me and Giulio to explore on our own. At first the days where it was just the two of us reminded me of the time we spent tracking down Anna, but slowly things started to feel different.

Slowly our walks went from having long discussions about what we wanted to do once we were able to leave U.A. to Giulio just walking along with me in silence as I rambled on about whatever thought came to mind. At first I thought he might have just been tired and didn't have much thought to add that day, but slowly he started acting like I was speaking to him even when we were back in the dormitories. Again I wrote it off as him being tired and tried to act like it wasn't affecting me.

After a few days of him acting like I wasn't there, I began to worry that I might have done something to upset him. The fear of having upset him was only cemented when I asked if want to join me for a walk and he just walked away like I hadn't said anything. I stood frozen, searching through recent memory of anything that I may have done that could possibly have upset Giulio, but nothing seemed to stand out.

My train of thought was interrupted by Anna waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked quickly before nodding at her to acknowledge that I was paying attention. "What was that about? I've never seen Giulio act like that, especially when it comes to you." She asked, having also noticed our friend's weird behavior.

I shrugged at the blonde before responding. "I have no clue. He's been acting weird the past few days and I can't figure out why." I explained.

Anna turned to watch as the red head began making himself some tea, before speaking again. "Maybe he's just tired? We have been through a lot these past couple weeks and he got his replacement leg the other day so he probably just wants to relax a bit. You know how Giulio can be, since everything happened he has been one for big crowds and stuff like that." She suggested.

Her reasoning made sense but I couldn't stop thinking that it had something to do with me. "You're probably right, I can't imagine it's easy to adjust to a new limb." I told her, not voicing my internal worries. "I'm just going to head back to my room, now that I think about it. I borrowed some books from the school, so I'll just read for the day." I explained moving to head to the elevator.

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