Chapter 6 - Yoongi (early winter, 2023)

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"You fucking piece of shit, I want my money!"

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"You fucking piece of shit, I want my money!"

"You rigged it so you'd win."

"Ah, lookie what we have here... He's a pretty little kitty cat."

"You know, if I was a nicer person, I'd just report you to the cops, but unlucky for you, that's not in my nature."

"Boys, teach this loser a lesson."

I was so sick of these nightmares. I'd had a lot over my lifetime, but recently it was always the same thugs mugging me and beating me to an inch of my life. When I first came to the hospital, the images replayed every time I closed my eyes. But thankfully over the weeks I'd been here, they had subsided to only occurring every few days.

Like every other time the nightmares came, I woke with a start, sweating profusely and shaking. My ears were flat on my head and my already fluffy tail bushed up like I'd been electrocuted. Pushing the now too warm blankets off me, I grabbed hold of my long appendage, holding it in my lap and my fingers ran through the soft fur as I tried to soothe my nerves.

Many hybrids sought comfort from others to help their anxiety; however for me, the only person I could count on was myself. At one point, when I was still living in that hellhole house, my tail had developed several bald patches because I was that stressed.

I would have to ask one of the nurses for a brush I thought as I tried to detangle the knots forming in my fur. I didn't really care about the rest of my appearance, preferring to wear black or plain clothes; but I was proud of my tail, especially how I'd been able to restore the thickness and length of my fur there.

I'd just about calmed myself down when the most decadent scent filled the air. I allowed myself to breathe it in deeply, wanting to savour it before it dissipated in the air. It was like the most delicious, sweet, milky dessert that was delicately flavoured with the highest quality vanilla bean. I was surprised that the longer the time went on, the stronger the fragrance became until it filled my entire room.

My eyes widened as there in my doorway stood the most perfect woman.

My mate. I finally found you.

I took the time to look at her, committing every aspect of her to memory. She had the softest looking pale skin, the colour of cream stained with a hint of strawberries. Her lips were full and pillowy; I wondered what they would feel like on my own. She had a cute nose that proportioned her face perfectly. But it was her eyes that held me captive, the most beautiful shade of bluish brown that I could drown in happily.

I loved how she was on the chubbier side as I wasn't attracted to skinny women; in my experience, women who were thin were the ones that were not nice to me. Plus, having a bit more weight on her body meant that she had a very large pair of breasts that I knew I would love to nap on in my cat form. Through the shape of her pants, I could tell her thighs were thick and although I couldn't tell since she was facing me, I would bet her ass was perfectly squishy too.

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