Chapter 35 - Cara (late autumn, 2024)

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Jimin looked so small lying on the hospital bed

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Jimin looked so small lying on the hospital bed. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving at all; if it weren't for the beeping of the machines behind him, I might have thought he had not survived the surgery. Tears forced their way out without permission, leaving wet tracks down my cheeks. I hated to see my strong, energetic mate like this, his body fragile and covered in bandages and wires.

We were still waiting for him to come out of his anaesthetic. When Dr Rosé had come out to brief all of us in the waiting room, I'd been able to convince her to let Yoongi and I in to Jimin's recovery room. My puppy dog eyes, which I had mastered from my Arctic fox, had melted the surgeon's heart. We were both allowed in only if we promised to let Jimin rest and wake up on his own.

I grabbed the back of one of the plush armchairs and began to drag it closer to the bed, the sound loud and screeching as it moved across the floor. Yoongi placed one of his large hands on my shoulder, halting my movement, and with a kiss to my cheek, the chair was lifted effortlessly and placed exactly where I wanted it. I pouted as my feline mate nestled into the chair, wriggling to get comfortable.

"Come on, Baby," he said quietly, as to not wake the resting patient. Yoongi made grabby hands at me and I couldn't resist giving in since he looked so freaking adorable; I loved this soft side of him, the one that he really only showed to Jimin and I.

As I settled onto Yoongi's lap, I sighed contentedly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Between his warm embrace and his body heat, I finally found myself relaxing for the first time since Jin had burst into my office with the devastating news.

Yoongi, it seemed, was also finding himself relax. I didn't miss the long exhale as he looked upon the Arctic fox; it was like the weight of the world had lifted off Yoongi's shoulders when he finally laid eyes on Jimin's rising and falling chest.

I curled up and snuggled into my feline mate's body. His rhythmic breathing was incredibly relaxing, like he had a metronome chest. As he placed his head onto mine, he murmured lowly, "he'll be okay, Kitten. Why don't you have a nap and I'll wake you up when Jiminie's awake?"

I nodded wearily. As much as I would have preferred to keep watch over my mate so nothing happened to him, I knew Yoongi had that covered. Plus, I wouldn't have been able to keep my eyes open with my mate's purring; Yoongi exploited my weakness against me. The fastest way to make me fall asleep was to be cocooned in the warmth of one of my mates as they cuddled up to me, along with being able to hear the deep, rumbling purrs that flowed from my Kitty.

Argh, he doesn't fight fair sometimes. But I love him for it.

It felt like only 2.3 seconds had passed before I was awoken with whimpering from my injured mate; however, judging by the shadows on the walls, both of us had been asleep for a while. At first I thought Jimin was mumbling in pain. But the more time that passed, the more coherent he sounded... as if he was calling for someone.

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