Chapter 28 - Jimin (early-autumn, 2024)

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The past couple of months had been like balancing on a double-edged sword

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The past couple of months had been like balancing on a double-edged sword. On one hand, living with Cara and Yoongi had been easy and filled with lots of love and fun; work on the other hand, was the opposite... it was dark, depressing and incredibly disheartening that we still hadn't been able to close the case.

I'd settled into life in our house easily. I loved coming home every evening and seeing Cara and Yoongi's smiles, both of them happy to have me home safely. Yoongi and I had accepted each other as our platonic mate, the two of us marked each other but we did not mate. I felt complete when I was with them, especially when it involved falling asleep with Cara snuggled in between Yoongi and I, with her intoxicating scent wrapping around us both like a warm blanket.

Yoongi and I often played together in our animal forms, having fun running through the house and around the backyard. My Arctic fox form was only slightly larger than Yoongi's cat form, so we often chased each other and play fought. The first time Cara caught us play fighting, she pulled us apart and spent the next five minutes chastising Yoongi and I for fighting. My platonic mate and I changed back into our hybrid forms, not caring that we were both stark naked and explained that we were simply playing and that it was an important part of hybrid life. That day ended with the three of us engaged in sex as a threesome, with Yoongi and I both pleasuring our mate and fucking her senseless as punishment for her scolding.

Where home had been nothing short of wonderful, the case had been kicking our asses. It wasn't that we were going backwards in our investigation – because we weren't – but it felt like it was taking too long to get enough evidence that was needed to nail the sons of bitches responsible. While my team had our sights set on Lady Tremaine House and had spent countless hours scouring through the long paper trail to find evidence, more detectives had been brought in to delve into Madame Medusa and Queen of Hearts – the other two shelters we'd shortlisted as potential suspects.

The deeper we looked, the more we found that all three shelters were connected by the transferring of hybrids between them, but we didn't know yet whether the Madame Medusa and Queen of Hearts shelters were involved with the organ harvesting ring, or whether they were innocent and were unknowingly assisting in the atrocious acts.

Sehun had been able to convince Captain Bang to allow us to use undercover officers, UC's as we called them, to infiltrate all three shelters and gain information – and hopefully evidence – from the inside. It had been decided that instead of only using three UC officers in the case and having the risk of one or more being turned away, five of the six we'd sent had been able to infiltrate the shelters' circles. Three were hired as volunteer staff and the other two were posing as people wanting to adopt or as buyers for organs. The last one had been declined an interview to be an adopter since the shelter claimed they had no hybrids available for adoptions.

Karina Yu, Wendy Shon and Dino Lee were three officers that my team and I had handpicked to approach the three shelters as volunteers. Each brought something different to the table.

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