Chapter 10 - Yoongi (early winter, 2023)

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I loved living with Cara

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I loved living with Cara. Not only was the house much, much nicer than the room I had been renting, but I was surrounded by my mate's scent all day. After spending the week together as I settled in, it sadly had come time for her to return to work.

"I didn't wear you out too much last night, did I?" I teased, watching my girl hobble out of bed. Ever since we had sex for the first time a couple of days ago, we had been making up for her lack of experience. We worshipped each other's bodies, lost ourselves in our lust-driven hormones, and moaned in ecstasy from our orgasms more times than I could count.

It was glorious.

"Now I get what Jin meant," she groaned. "I think you've made me into a sex-crazed whore for your dick, Kitty."

I chuckled, enjoying the view before me of her hastily drying off after her second shower of the morning; I hadn't been able to stop myself from taking her when I watched Cara applying lotion to her naked body.

"You're no whore, Kitten. I do, however, love how sex-crazed you are for me though." I bit my lip at the sight of my mate standing in a set of sexy, lacy lingerie as she pulled out clothes for the day.

Shit. Control yourself, Yoongi. You can't fuck her a third time this morning... well you could, but I don't think she'd be happy if you made her late.

"Honey, what are you up to today?" she asked, pulling a thick woollen sweater over her head. As much as I wanted my temporary marks to be on display for all to see, winter had well and truly set in now; the thick layer of snow covering everything was testament to that. I'd hate for her to get sick from not being warm enough.

I had giggled the first time she had called me 'honey' since she thought I tasted sweet on her tongue. She was partially correct that my scent was sweet, but not the way her nickname described.

I was really excited to mark Cara for more reasons than to tell other hybrids that she's mine. You see, one particularly strange thing happens when a human who is a hybrid's destined mate completes their marking bond, the human will be able to smell and taste their mate's scent. So, when I get to mate with her properly and sink my teeth into her skin to apply my mark, she will see that I don't taste like the sweet viscous syrup but rather like the sweetest strawberries that ever existed.

"I've been feeling really inspired lately, so I want to lay down some songs," I replied, tucking my arms behind my head to be more comfortable and to enjoy just looking at my mate. Since Cara came into my life, song lyrics had started flowing freely; it was like she unlocked a part of my heart and brain when our souls were reunited. These past few days, I had a lot of potential ideas written into my song writing book, but now that I had an idea of a beat and melody that came to me as I held her in my arms after we'd made love, I wanted to get them down before they flitted off into the abyss of my mind.

After we'd gotten my equipment from my old place, Cara and I had turned her home office into my makeshift studio. At first I didn't want to take over a room that she used since I'd already imposed myself onto her by claiming her bedroom as ours, but my mate insisted that she no longer actually used her office at home and it was simply a wasted space. It touched my heart when she said she'd rather I used the space and be able to do what I loved; of course my perverted brain pictured something a bit different when she uttered those words because as much as I loved making music, I loved indulging in her body more.

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