Chapter 13 - Cara (early winter, 2023)

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With Yoongi's pre-rut coming up any day now, Jin had told me that I needed to pay attention to his body signs, especially his temperature

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With Yoongi's pre-rut coming up any day now, Jin had told me that I needed to pay attention to his body signs, especially his temperature. Hybrids already run hotter than humans, but heats and ruts can increase that to borderline dangerous levels. I was to put Yoongi into a cold shower or bath if his temperature was too hot, and to feed him cold things like lots of ice and frozen treats.

So, to prepare, Yoongi and I were at the supermarket, loading up a trolley. As he pushed, I was throwing in healthy food we needed, plenty of snacks (both for his rut and to just have at home), and some special treats for us both. I made sure to get plenty of fresh salmon and chicken, along with tinned salmon and tuna – Yoongi's favourite sources of protein.

We were standing in the freezer section and looking at all the options available for hybrids in their ruts – I'd never known they had specific products available to buy for when hybrids went through their heats and ruts. I was overwhelmed seeing all the different options that had been specially developed by scientists, hybrid doctors and chefs; there were too many colours, too many choices since there's so many types of hybrids in the world.

Once again – like he had initially tried to do – Yoongi tried to reason with me that he didn't want me buying a lot for him. His main argument in this claim was that I had already spent a lot and he didn't want me to waste my money, that he could manage without them. I placed both hands on his chubby, pouting cheeks, looked deep into his golden eyes and told him that he could have anything he wanted; I would do whatever I could to make his ruts easier and less stressful.

"Would you want me to have things that makes my periods less painful or help with the cravings I get?" I asked him when he tried to decline again, to which he instantly said yes. "Why is this any different then?" I reasoned softly.

"Okay," he huffed, resigned that I had posed a good point.

We turned to peruse the selection, looking at both the general hybrid and the specialized housecat options; however, instead of being overwhelmed by examining the choices, I stood back and watched the man who had claimed my heart. Yoongi was like a child in a candy shop, excited because for the first time in his life, my mate was given complete choice over what he wanted; with every other home since he'd come of age, he was given whatever his owners chose, or the cheapest he could buy when he was fending for himself on the streets.

"Talking about your cycle," he said whilst looking at the options available, "have you remembered that you need to stop taking your birth control? Lisa said it will interact with the hybrid contraception and could potentially cause blood clots if you take them both."

That was the one downside of having a hybrid mate – human contraception wasn't compatible and if taken in conjunction with a hybrid contraception, serious health issues could arise. The other day, Lisa had popped into my office when Yoongi was visiting, and she told the both of us that I needed to stop taking my birth control before I started with the hybrid one. Even though I was a virgin before Yoongi, I was on the pill to regulate my cycle and to help with period pain.

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