Chapter 31 - Yoongi (early autumn, 2024)

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Standing in front of the slightly worn-down brick warehouse, I wondered if we were at the right place

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Standing in front of the slightly worn-down brick warehouse, I wondered if we were at the right place. It looked nothing like what I'd pictured in my head for the meeting that we'd be having with the guy who could hopefully shed some answers on Cara's catatonic episode. When Jin had sent me the details for the dinner, all he'd given me was the address; he said later that it was for one of the most upmarket restaurants in Samta.

After double checking the text to confirm that this was in fact where we were meant to be, I took hold of Cara's hand – the one that wasn't held by her other mate – and together, we walked into the building.

Shortly after we stepped out of the elevator on the third floor, we were greeted by the hostess, a mandarin duck hybrid, in a burnt orange, bordering on copper velvet dress. While the colour looked amazing against her hair in the same colours of her animal form plumes, she was going more for a sexy look rather than a professional one: the dress was formfitting to highlight her skinny body, the length ending at the middle of her thigh. While she was attractive, my mate was infinitely better.

Frankly, Cara was way sexier without needing to try as much.

As soon as the hostess saw Jimin and I, the scent of desire strongly wafted from behind the desk.

Ugh. She's one of those who openly lusts over mated hybrids.

"Reservation name please, handsome?" she practically purred in a voice that I assumed was meant to be alluring and attractive.

I rolled my eyes as Jimin gave her the details of Jin's reservation. "Hi, uhh... We have a reservation under the name of 'Kim'. I believe the rest of our party is already here."

"Please follow me gentlemen. Although I am sorry, miss, but you will not be allowed entry," she said with distain painted on her face. "You do not meet our dress code since you are clearly dressed too casually. You can either wait outside or go home and get dressed into something nicer... if you have something that will cover all that flab, you disgusting human," she finished with a mumble under her breath.

Growls formed in both Jimin's and my throats. While I was angry at the hostess' disgusting words aimed at my mate, I was just thankful that Cara hadn't heard the hybrid call her fat or disgusting. My mate was neither of those things, she was beautiful and absolutely perfect.

I knew from the scent coming from the duck hybrid that this was a crock of shit and just a ploy for her to put our mate down. There was nothing 'too casual' about Cara's purple flowery long-sleeved dress, especially when she'd worn her sparkly heels with it – the ones that made her legs look incredible. 


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