Chapter 39 - Cara (mid-winter, 2026)

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Yoongi and Jimin's body odour didn't really make me feel nauseous; actually, they smelled even better to me with Yoongi's strawberry scent intoxicating and Jimin's chocolate making my mouth water

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Yoongi and Jimin's body odour didn't really make me feel nauseous; actually, they smelled even better to me with Yoongi's strawberry scent intoxicating and Jimin's chocolate making my mouth water. I did, however, need them to leave the kitchen so I could finish getting the meal together – I knew by the looks in their eyes that they wanted to devour me instead of the food, but I worked too hard on it to have it ruined.

I giggled to myself as I took the succulent looking pot roast out. The smell was incredible but my two men must've only had one thing on their minds when they got home since they never commented on it. I speared the hunk of meat, placing it onto the board and left it to rest with a large metal bowl over the top so it could stay warm. I dropped the baby carrots into the boiling water and drained the potatoes. I was mostly done mashing the potatoes when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Arms wrapped around my waist and from the scent, I knew it was my Arctic fox. "Hey, Sweetheart." I placed my hands on Jimin's, which were cradling my growing belly. The only time I really felt comfortable in my skin at the moment was when I had my mates' hands or lips on me. Logically, I knew weight gain was synonymous with pregnancy, but mentally, I felt fat and disgusting.

"Smells incredible, Angel." Jimin's lips tickled my neck as he spoke, his low chuckle could be felt along my back as my skin trembled. "Food smells good too."

"Can you or Yoongi please carve the meat up while I finish these?" I knew if I didn't give my mate a job, I'd end up just saying 'fuck it' and beg him to take me here and now. But it wasn't the time and we certainly had more comfortable places than the kitchen counter.

"Anything for you," he whispered, placing a soft kiss behind my ear and moving to stand beside me. "How's the kit been today?"

I smiled, resting my hand on the bump. "He's starting to move around a lot. Can definitely tell he's your son. I think he'll skip walking and go straight to running," I teased. The first time I felt the baby move was such a weird and also wonderful experience. Flutters, much like those from the wings of a butterfly, erupted in my belly; at first I thought something was wrong, Lisa laughed as she told me that was our little kit starting to explore his home.

"Yeah, mum says I did that too," he muttered, the cutest blush blossoming on his cheeks. "I apologise in advance if he takes after me."

"Were you a naughty little kit?" Yoongi asked, a smirk on his face as he entered the room to help set the table, stealing a piece of meat in the process.

"Not naughty, per se..."

"Jiminie, that's what all kids who misbehaved say," I teased, blowing a kiss his way to soften the blow.

"I was just free spirited and wanted to explore everything."

"You still do," Yoongi commented as he took the bowl of creamy mashed potatoes from me.

The fox whined cutely, only stopping when I planted a kiss to his cheek. "I think you would have been a very cute little kit and I'm sure our son will be too."

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