Chapter 18 - Cara (early summer, 2024)

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The two doctors turned to face the hybrid patient as soon as he'd dropped the proverbial 'mate' bomb on the room

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The two doctors turned to face the hybrid patient as soon as he'd dropped the proverbial 'mate' bomb on the room. Jin and Jisoo could tell the declaration was meant for one of them because of the way the hybrid was looking at them. But shockingly, the female hybrid doctor hadn't made any outward acknowledgements to his claim.

"Sweet peppermint...hannndsommme mannnn..." the hybrid whispered as he slipped unconscious.

It can't be possible. He must be mistaken.

I looked at the doctors with wide eyes, silently conversing with my brother. Jin already has another mate. I could see questions running through his mind, all of which kept coming back to his husband, especially since we both knew that JK loved Jin's peppermint scent.

"I- I need to talk to Kook," he whispered in shock. I told him to get his husband and to use my office to talk. Jin nodded slowly before leaving the room in a hurry.

"This stays in this room," I told all the staff, my voice low but firm and leaving no room for misunderstanding. "No one is to utter a single word about what this patient said, am I clear?"

In no uncertain words, I made sure that everyone here knew the consequences they would face if I found out they were gossiping about Jin being the mate to this patient: instant termination of their employment contracts because since he spoke under doctor's care, it was covered by doctor/patient confidentiality and anyone breaking that would be fired from Sanctuary.

"Go, Jin needs you," Taemin murmured, coming to my side. "I'll handle this. And if you can spare Bang Chan, he and I can meet with the detective."

I thanked the gorilla and beagle hybrids, promising to try my best to get to the meeting with the police as soon as I could... if I could.

As I rushed upstairs, I called Yoongi and asked him to meet me in my office. I had a feeling that I might need the help calming the two men down. Relief washed through me when he told me he was heading upstairs.

I walked into my office, finding only my brother in there. Apparently, Jungkook was finishing up with a client, but the receptionist in the physio rooms assured Jin that she would send his husband up the moment he was done.

"Are you okay, Jinnie?" I asked softly, moving slowly as to not spook the man. I had never seen my brother like this – hair all mussed up like he'd run his hands through it multiple times, his bottom lip a bright red from the way he was chewing on it, and his normally steady hands shaking so much like they were leaves trying to hang on whilst in the middle of a hurricane.

"N-no," he whispered, turning and nearly collapsing into me. All I could do was hold him as he cried. "I-I can't lose him, Sis."

"Hey, how do you know you're gonna lose him?" I asked, rubbing his back softly. "We don't even know yet if this patient is just your mate, or the mate to both of you. Let's talk to JK first, then we can figure the rest out afterwards, yeah?"

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