Chapter 27 - Cara (mid-summer, 2024)

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Was there anything better than waking up cocooned in the warmth of two insanely attractive and wonderful men? I didn't think so at all, especially if they were naked like this

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Was there anything better than waking up cocooned in the warmth of two insanely attractive and wonderful men? I didn't think so at all, especially if they were naked like this. I was rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I felt the arm around my waist tighten, bringing me into a hard chest.

"Why are you up so early, Darling?" Jimin crooned deeply, his raspy voice setting a fire in my belly. I loved his angelic voice, but hearing it still tainted with sleep was so alluring, so erotic that it made me shudder with want.

"I had a dream," I whispered, not wanting to wake the sleeping cat that was spooning me. "Plus, I wanted to make you both breakfast. Any requests?"

"You," he replied instantly, licking his lips slowly with a lascivious glint in his eyes. "You always smell divine, but turned on like this makes your scent absolutely sinfully delicious. I take it that it was a good dream?" Jimin teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Jiminie," I whined, burying my head into his toned and naked chest. His chuckles vibrated against my skin as he placed his mouth on my neck, nibbling like I was his favourite snack and he was savouring the flavour. I was already turned on by the erotic dream, so his ministrations with his lips and now roving hands were only fanning the flames that were threatening to consume me.

"Let me take care of you, my little Vixen."

A stifled moan crept out of my mouth as Jimin's lips latched onto one of my nipples. I felt the breathing on the back of my neck increase. "Mmm, what a nice way to wake up, Baby," the cat groaned, rubbing his hard length against my ass. Fingers slid across my aching core, dipping into my leaking pussy. "Is Jiminie making you feel good? Fuck, Kitten, you're so wet."

All I could do was nod and moan. The sensations both of my mates were giving me was incredible. I whimpered from the loss of contact as Jimin crept down the bed. The feeling of him nipping at my inner thigh made me shiver and cry out, the mixture of pleasure and pain delicious.

"Be a good girl and let me have my breakfast while you tell Yoongi and I what you dreamed about, little Vixen," my Arctic fox commanded as he placed my legs over his shoulders. I looked down and saw him gazing at my core lovingly, like he was admiring the most incredible painting commissioned by the best artist ever to live.

I was about to beg for Jimin to touch me as Yoongi distracted me with a searing kiss. I moaned into his mouth as Jimin's smooth tongue finally set about lapping and tasting me. If I hadn't already woken up, I'd have sworn I was still dreaming since this is exactly what was happening while I was asleep.

"Baby, as much as I want to keep kissing you, I think Jiminie asked you to do something for us, didn't he?" I had been so distracted by the kiss and Jimin trying to eat the soul from my body that I'd completely forgotten what he had asked me to do. A sharp pain radiating from my breast brought me back.

I nodded, trying to focus my brain onto something other than the pleasure I was receiving. I must've taken too long for my feline mate's liking as Yoongi slapped my other breast, his fingers making contact with my nipple had me clamping down on Jimin's tongue.

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