Chapter 11 - Cara (early winter, 2023)

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After being unable to sleep and continually getting frustrated with my over-active brain, I hopped out of bed and headed down to the kitchen

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After being unable to sleep and continually getting frustrated with my over-active brain, I hopped out of bed and headed down to the kitchen. I pulled out my favourite hot chocolate mix, along with the carton of lactose-free milk from the fridge. I was in the middle of measuring out the liquid when I felt a warmth along my back as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

I gestured to the half-asleep Yoongi, asking silently if he wanted a hot chocolate and giggling softly as he nodded into my neck.

"Can't sleep, Kitty?" I asked, pouring the milk into the small saucepan, stirring in the chocolate powder and turning the heat on.

"Too cold without you." I could hear the pout in his voice, so I turned in his arms and brought a hand up to scratch his ears. The loud purrs flowing freely from his chest vibrated through my body. "Why couldn't you sleep, Baby?"

My hand stilled for a second, which caused Yoongi to look at me. "I've been thinking about your rut," I whispered, nervous at his possible reaction. I wasn't having any second thoughts, nor had I changed my mind about helping him through it.

"What about it, Kitten?" he coaxed gently. I was thankful Yoongi hadn't jumped to conclusions and instead waited for me to explain.

Looking into Yoongi's golden eyes, I spoke the words that had been heavy on my mind and heart this evening. "I don't want you to be in pain like JK was when Jin hadn't been marked by him. It would absolutely crush me to know that I could have done something to help ease what you'll be going through." I took a deep breath, placing a hand each onto his toned chest and also his squishy cheek, as if feeling Yoongi's skin could help ground me. "I want to do the marking ritual with you," I breathed out quickly. "That is if you want to do it with me, I mean."

The smile that blossomed on Yoongi's face was nearly as sweet as the chocolate drink I was making. It was radiant, ecstatic, joyful. "Of course I want to mate with you, Baby," he whispered, his lips brushing mine. "It's all I've wanted since I found you. I just didn't want to rush you into being tied like this to me for life if you didn't want it."

Happy tears began welling and sliding down my cheeks. It still boggled my mind that I had someone as gorgeous – as incredible – as this man was who actually wanted me. I knew in my heart I was a good person, though I never thought of myself as beautiful, attractive or desirable. But Yoongi looked at me like I was all those things and more. In his eyes, I saw everything I had ever wanted – a man who loved me unconditionally for who I was, not for what I did or what I had to offer him.

At that moment, even though it had only been about 13 days since we'd met, I knew I'd never felt this way towards another person in my life.

"I love you Yoongi, and I would never feel like I was tied to you against my will. I choose you despite us being destined for each other, and I will continue to choose you until my final breath."

"I. Love. You," he murmured between kisses, like a continual chant.

I pulled away, noticing that the milk was now hot. As I poured our hot chocolates into mugs, Yoongi couldn't wipe the smile off his face. "You've made me so incredibly happy; you know that?"

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