Chapter 9 - Cara (early winter, 2023)

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The longer I spent in Yoongi's company, the more I got to see that he really was a cat in hybrid form

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The longer I spent in Yoongi's company, the more I got to see that he really was a cat in hybrid form. The man loved napping in the sun, his favourite place on the reading nook in my bedroom. When I suggested other places that caught the sun in different times of the day, he rejected each location, claiming that it didn't smell like me enough.

On his second day in my house, we didn't leave at all due to a snowstorm that had descended. It was nice watching movies while snuggled up together, neither of us wanting, or feeling the need to get up and move often. He didn't even have to convince me to have a couple of naps whilst curled up in his arms.

Since I had not only brought a hybrid home, but also one who was my mate, I took the recommended week off work to help Yoongi settle in. Hybrids, like animals, were scent driven and they would often freak out if not in the presence of their owner or mate while they settled into a new home. While he seemed to be adjusting to his new life well, I didn't want to cause Yoongi any anxiety if I went back to work prematurely. I was so grateful for Taemin, Joy and Bang Chan who were looking after Sanctuary while I was out; it would be good practice seeing as I'd regularly be home for a few days each month when my feline mate's rut hit.

During one of the movies, Yoongi asked if I happened to have a brush that he could use to groom his tail. While Hobi, Jungkook and Bang Chan didn't need to brush their short-haired tails, I kept an array of grooming tools here in case any of their hybrid friends were over and needed one. I spent the next hour carefully brushing the knots out of Yoongi's silky tail. I loved the feeling of his super soft fur sliding through my fingers, and if the loud purrs were any indication, my mate loved the attention too.

The time together helped us not only get to know each other better but it also brought Yoongi and I closer. I didn't want to have sex with someone who was practically a stranger, so the more I got used to my mate and got to know him, the more comfortable I would be. Plus, with the date of his rut approaching, I knew the day I was no longer a virgin was quickly coming too.

Thankfully the snowstorm was short-lived and not as dangerous as they were predicting, so the day after our relaxing day at home, we headed to HyBE (short for Hybrid Bargain Enterprises), the company where I bought most of my hybrid supplies for Sanctuary. I preferred to support businesses that actually cared for hybrids, rather than the big box stores that only wanted money, and this was my favourite place for clothing, toys and other hybrid-centric products. So, under the guise of buying for the shelter, Yoongi and I picked up everything he needed; it didn't hurt that the whole thing was a tax write-off since I did need to buy some things for Sanctuary as well.

We also stopped by his 'room' to pick up his belongings; I say room lightly because it was basically just a glorified storage cupboard in a tiny house. My heart hurt knowing this was where my mate had been living for years. The little old lady who owned house was so kind and I could tell she was genuinely happy to hear that Yoongi had found his mate. She treated him like a grandson and made us both promise to come and visit her.

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