Chapter 24 - Cara (early summer, 2024)

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"This is so good," Hobi complimented with his signature beaming smile as he took another sip of his cocktail

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"This is so good," Hobi complimented with his signature beaming smile as he took another sip of his cocktail. Yoongi had outdone himself; the strawberry and lime margaritas were delicious... and heavy on the booze!

Once we'd left the strawberry farm, it was decided that everyone would come back to mine and Yoongi's for some drinks and nibbles. Jin and I got to work on the food, while the others were hanging out. I kept finding myself looking over to the other side of the kitchen where Yoongi was showing Jimin how to mix drinks. I loved how my two mates were getting along. There were no fights for my attention, no jealousy-driven spats, and I heard no complaints from either of them that I was spending more time with one than the other.

The only one who held any complaints over our relationship was me.

"So he still hasn't kissed you?" my brother asked quietly under his breath so only I could hear as he sliced the bread to go along with the dip I was making.

"No," I whispered back, making sure to keep my volume down too so my mates didn't hear me. As much as this was about them, I didn't want them finding out by overhearing my venting conversation with my brother. "And Yoongi has refused to sleep with me as to not make Jimin jealous. He said something about not wanting to flaunt our mate bond."

To say I was pent up would be like asking if an active volcano on the verge of eruption would blow soon. As much as I hated asking Jin for sex advice, I had no idea what to do. Yoongi was literally the only person I'd slept with, and not once had I ever thought I'd have two potential sexual partners at the same time. I was out of my depth; as a result I sucked up my pride and asked my brother how to seduce my mate.

If Jin's bright red ears were any indication, he was just as embarrassed as I was. My brother's high-pitched laughter poured out as he hid his face behind his hand.

"Yah! You can't ask me that!" he cried out, alerting Hobi and Namjoon, who both came running to join us. One look at our faces had my surrogate brother asking what was going on. "Cara here has just asked me for tips on how to seduce her mate," Jin blurted, his words flowing fast and running together.

I spun around to look at the area where my mates were last, my shoulders relaxed as I saw the rest of the kitchen was empty.

"I thought things were hot and heavy with you and Yoongi," Hobi commented, stealing a slice of the bread and scooping out some of the dip I'd just placed into a bowl.

"Not that mate," I hissed, trying to keep his voice down. I relayed to the two newcomers my situation, trying to downplay the sexual frustration I was feeling.

"Okay, let me see if I get this right," Namjoon said, becoming serious like he was trying to wrap his head around a very complicated mathematics equation. "You've been Jimin's mate for nearly three weeks now and you guys haven't kissed, or done anything else?"

I shook my head and gave a verbal confirmation that he was correct in his assumption.

"Oooh, I've got an idea," Hobi beamed, grinning widely. "Show them both what they're missing and make the first move. Jimin might be shy or cautious because he's not wanting to step on any toes."

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