Chapter 16 - Cara (early winter, 2023)

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"Uggghhh, why do I have to go to work?" I whined, coming down the stairs and into the kitchen

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"Uggghhh, why do I have to go to work?" I whined, coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. A happy sigh left me as my handsome mate slid a mug to me. The first sip, like it always when Yoongi made my coffee, was absolute perfection.

Handsome. Kind. Knows my coffee preference. He's the complete package!

"Because you're a wonderful human who cares about the health and safety of hybrids?" he asked playfully with a smile that could melt glaciers.

"Not a good enough reason today, Honey," I spoke through my pout. My period had officially come, and the cramps were kicking my ass. I wanted to boot from my belly the tiny monkeys that were causing havoc with their knives that they were having so much fun stabbing me with, not to mention getting someone to round up the elephants that were standing on my ovaries, as well as the boa constrictors squeezing my insides. Someone had relocated a whole damn zoo into my uterus without my consent and I wanted them gone!

Yoongi came around the bench and hugged me close. His warmth along my back helped my aching muscles, and his hot hand spanning my tummy was taming the cramps. "Did Mina wake you up?"

Last night, knowing that my period would be coming sometime within the next two days, I had given Yoongi his surrogate doll. Lisa, Joy and I had managed to find one that had fair skin and brown hair like me, along with grey cat ears and a tail that matched Yoongi's. The doll a perfect blend of both of us. My mate had fell instantly in love with the doll, which was made from incredibly soft angora wool. Following Joy's directions, I had carried the doll around with me all day at work yesterday, thoroughly infusing it with my scent.

It was so sweet seeing my mate with the little doll in his arms, cradling and rocking it like it was real. He declared her name was Mina, meaning beautiful and delicate. 'Like her mother' he had said at the time. I was worried he thought she was real; however, as he put her down to sleep between us, kissing her head ever so gently, he whispered that he knew she wasn't real but pretending that she was helped ease his post-rut funk.

"She was perfect, just like her father," I replied, carefully handing the wool baby to Yoongi. I kissed her head and told her to be good for her dad.

"Are you okay, Baby? You smell different. Why do I smell blood?" he asked, sniffing the air around me.

Heat flooded my cheeks as I thought of how he could smell me bleeding. "I'm okay, it's now my time of the month."

"What can I do to help?" I loved that he was concerned and wanted to ease my pain.

"Just knowing you care is helping," I reassured him, kissing his cheek. "And feeling your body heat helps keep the cramps down. Though, I will probably need lots of chocolate and cuddles when I get home."

I laughed as he declared he would have all the chocolate I could eat here when I got home, along with open arms ready for cuddles.

"I love you, Baby," he whispered against my lips.

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