Epilogue - Cara (early summer, 2034)

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"Shhh, you'll wake them up," I heard coming from a loud voice beside the bed

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"Shhh, you'll wake them up," I heard coming from a loud voice beside the bed.

"I was speaking quietly, you Doo-doo head."

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from giggling at the very loud conversation my children were having. Ashton, my eldest kit, was trying to keep his brothers and sisters in check; however, my feisty second-born, Carina, was not having it.

The past eight years had been filled with many milestones: the birth of our son, followed by my beautiful and romantic wedding to Jimin and Yoongi, after which came four more children.

Ashton had come into the world 15 hours after my water broke at the awards ceremony. He was such a little cutie, always making everyone swoon at his adorable white ears that were nestled in dark ebony locks similar to mine – the only real look-in I got since Aston was basically a carbon-copy of his father, just with my hair and skin tone. He'd grown into a kind and caring boy who loved dinosaurs above all else. My husbands and I often joked that we had a little palaeontologist in the making.

Carina had blessed us 11 months later, surprising everyone with her kitten-kit chimera features. We'd all thought chimeras were a myth, but as we found out, they're just very rare. After doing some research, Jin found that chimeras can only be born if they have parents who are destined mates and from a gnomon mate group.

Carina was a mix of both her fathers' features: Yoongi's fluffy grey tail and Jimin's white ears. The first few times that she went into her animal form freaked us out because it turned out she could actually choose which animal form she wanted to be in. Carina was my free-spirited tomboy, who loved to play rough and tumble with her older brother and fathers. She did, however, love cuddling up with me in the mornings; it was our special time together.

Our next born, Aria, was my little girly girl. At the prime age of six-years old, she knew exactly what she wanted to be when she got older – a princess who wore pretty dresses and danced with handsome princes. Aria had a way of getting even the most masculine man to play dress-ups with her as they engaged in opulent tea parties. Seeing her little grey ears and tail twitching in delight as her fathers, grandfathers or uncles were perched precariously on tiny chairs while they sipped make believe tea from dainty teacups was one of the sweetest things I'd ever seen in my life.

And finally, a little over five years ago we welcomed the fraternal twins into our family. Both Emerson and Nora were chimeras, but unlike Carina, they both had white fox tails and little grey kitten ears.

Emerson adored his older brother; he was absolutely in awe of anything and everything Ashton did. Emerson was such a sweetheart, but he was also the one with the naughty streak. He was often the one influencing his brothers and sisters to do something they shouldn't, like raiding the pantry for the best snacks whilst my mates and I were still asleep. He wasn't a bad child, just one who liked to push the boundaries to figure out how much he could get away with... exactly like his Daddy.

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