Chapter 14 - Yoongi (early winter, 2023)

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The feeling like I was being roasted in a furnace pulled me from my slumber

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The feeling like I was being roasted in a furnace pulled me from my slumber. Sweat poured out of every pore and with the wave of uncontrollable arousal, I knew what was happening.

Shit, my rut is here.

My cock throbbed smelling Cara's delectable scent; the way hers mixed with mine so perfectly had me positively drooling from both my mouth and dick. I turned over and found the bed was empty.

With my rut haze affecting my brain, I couldn't even think to hop out of bed and look for my mate. All that was on my mind was breeding Cara – breeding my mate. I needed to be buried deep, pumping my kittens into her.

A whine left my mouth as my balls ached and needing release. Feeling incredibly hot, I ripped my clothes off, sighing in relief as the frigid winter air helped slightly. I reached down and fisted my hard length, uncontrollable sounds slipping through my lips. I rutted my hips up as my hand slid down, the movements seamless and fluid thanks to the copious amounts of precum leaking from me.

With each pump of my fist, I thought of my mate – her large breasts that jiggled with each step she took, her luscious lips that felt so good on my own and my cock, her gorgeous blue-brown eyes that shone with love and kindness every time she looked at me, her hips that were wide and curvy and felt so good under my hands as I fucked into her.

I thought about all the positions I wanted her in right now, and picturing taking my mate from behind with my hands on her hips. Imagining her thick thighs and ass jiggling with each powerful thrust of mine, I came all over myself.

"Yoongi, I made break–" Cara spoke as she entered the room, pausing as she took in the sight in front of her with me naked and sweating, breathing heavily with cum splattered on my chest and hand.

Placing the tray onto the cushioned reading nook, she quickly rushed into the bathroom, and I could hear the faucet running. Laden with damp towels, Cara wiped me off and felt the temperature of my flushed skin.

"Oh Honey, you're burning up." Concern laced her soft voice and her eyes showed how worried she was.

"I'm okay, Baby. My rut is here." I watched as my mate ran around the room in a mild panic. "Kitten, save your energy for the upcoming waves. I don't think me just wanking is gonna work now that I know you're here."

I patted the bed and asked her to bring the breakfast.

We'll definitely be needing the sustenance.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ⋆͛♡⋆͛ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

So far, Cara had been coping well with helping me through my rut. She gave me another incredible blowjob after breakfast when a wave hit me, and then I buried myself inside her when the next came.

Both of us tried to rest or eat the food her family brought over between waves, but the downtime was shortening as my rut was setting in. My mate was sleeping in my arms when the same throbbing pain hit my dick, my balls once again aching for release. I latched onto where my mark laid and sucked on her skin deeply as my hips rolled into her bare bum.

"How do you want me, Kitty?" she asked sleepily. I thought about it for a second and the image of my mate on her hands and knees had me groaning in need.

Quickly placing her in the position I wanted, I ran my hand up her thigh, feeling Cara's skin pebble with goosebumps. "So fucking sexy," I growled, my fingers dipping into her soft folds. "I love how wet you get for me, Kitten."

Needing to be inside her, I ran my cock up and down her slit, coating myself with her juices before plunging in hard. Normally I would let her adjust to me, but I couldn't wait; her tightness, wetness, and the sexy sounds slipping front her were aphrodisiacs that sent throbbing signals to my cock that she needed to be bred by me.

"I'm gonna show you what it feels like to really be fucked, Kitten."

Ecstasy coursed through my body from my head to the end of my tail as I rocked into my mate, hard. Sounds of our skin slapping like crashes of thunder melded with the positively sinful moans coming from the goddess in front of me.

My name slipped from my mate's mouth, along with strings of curses as I pushed down on her shoulders, forcing Cara's hips to raise perfectly. I fucked into her hard and deep, the need to breed my mate overruling any other desire or thought. In a matter of minutes, I'd brought my mate to the brink of orgasm and with a particularly deep thrust that kissed her cervix, she exploded around my dick. I growled, pleased that she'd cum since that would help my kittens take hold and grow.

Her pussy walls fluttering around me brought me close, but I needed more. Pulling her up like a ragdoll, I wrapped one arm around my mate's waist while the other strummed on her clit.

"Is my pretty little mate's pussy gonna cum for her tomcat again?" I murmured deeply beside her ear in-between grunts. "You gonna let me put my kittens in that gorgeous body of yours? Are we gonna see your belly grow big and round with my litter?"

"Yoongi! Fuck, please," my mate whined, her pussy fluttering and clenching. "Give them to me, Kitty."

The feeling of her hand wrapping around my tail was the catalyst that made me paint her walls white. The feeling of her cumming prolonged my high, which felt like it lasted forever.

I pulled out and tumbled onto the bed, bringing my mate with me. I rubbed her belly, praying that my kittens would grow there.

"I love you, Baby," I whispered against her neck as I let sleep take over. "Protect my kittens for me so they can grow big and strong."

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