Chapter 7 - Yoongi (early winter, 2023)

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Cara and I pulled up in front of a really cute little place that looked like a slightly larger cottage

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Cara and I pulled up in front of a really cute little place that looked like a slightly larger cottage. It looked picturesque with the dusting of snow that laid delicately over the roof and plants. Nice wide windows decorated the front, which I hoped had decent windowsills. I could see myself napping in the sun in both my hybrid and animal forms.

Oh, it would be perfect if there's a reading nook at one of those windows with a nice, padded bench seat.

The front garden made the house feel homely, like someone loved to live here

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The front garden made the house feel homely, like someone loved to live here. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like in spring when everything was green and new. As we walked up the paved path, I stopped in my tracks, hissing at a man who was exiting the front door.

"Don't mind him, Yoongi," Cara said calmly, reaching out to grab my hand. As soon as her fingers wound through mine, I felt at ease again. "This is my cousin, Felix Lee. Felix, this is my mate, Yoongi Min," she introduced me to the man, who sent me a beaming smile.

He had full lips like his cousin, pale skin and the same soft sparkle in his eyes, but that was where the similarities laid with the two. Where Cara was on the chubbier and soft side, Felix was thin and all toned muscle; even their heritages were different but with inter-racial marriages, that wasn't unusual to see.

"Hey, nice to meet you, Yoongi. I'm so sorry I can't stay; I have my weekly phone call with my mother and I'm running late." Felix had a welcoming voice, and I could tell by his sweet mandarin scent that like his cousin, he had a good heart. "Bang Chan asked me to bring over some papers for you, so I left them on the kitchen counter. He said they're for you to look at before your meeting tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks. Oh, tell your mum I'll call her soon," Cara called out to the man who was already running across the grass, a wave the only signal that he heard her. "He lives next door and is one of my nurses at Sanctuary," my mate explained as she unlocked the front door. "He'll be around here a lot, but he's incredibly sweet and so is his mate, Bang Chan, who you've already met since he is my assistant."


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