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  Chapter 251 hit the headlines
  The next day.

  Tang Ruo was still asleep when Bai Qi got up, and the peaceful sleeping face in his arms made him extremely at ease.

  Every morning, as long as he sees her sleeping face, Bai Qi feels that the world is not so bad.

  Their shift this morning is at eight o'clock in the morning.

  Kissing the girl's forehead, Bai Qi put on her nightgown and prepared to wash up.

  Hot nights and cold mornings, this is the post-apocalyptic winter.

  The wind outside even bulged the curtains like a big leather ball.

  Bai Qi went to close the ventilation windows at night to keep the room warm so that Tang Ruo could sleep for a while.

  Opening the curtains slightly, with a sweep of his eyes, he saw Gu Yuze who was also on the third-floor balcony a hundred meters away in front of him.

  Now the eyes of the supernatural beings are sharp, and the green plants that were used as shelters before the end of the world are all withered.

  Even at a distance of 100 meters, the two sides can be seen clearly.

  Now as long as you are at home, whoever wants privacy has to draw the curtains tightly.

  Gu Yuze on the opposite side was also standing on the balcony of the 16 villas in his pajamas. He stood there for an unknown how long, but when he saw Bai Qi opened the curtains, he was obviously taken aback.

  Their eyes met.

  Bai Qi turned his head to the side, and after seeing the person opposite, he smiled lightly, reached out and closed the window without hesitation, and drew the curtains.

  Even if Tang Ruo didn't see it yesterday, he still knew that Gu Yuze's gaze had been following her under the city wall.

  Jealous for him?

  Become a love rival with him?

  Able to compete fairly?

  Bai Qi turned around and walked back to kiss the girl who was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

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