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  Chapter 31
  After staying overnight in the supermarket, I went to City A as planned.

  Tian Hai also had nowhere to go, so naturally he followed the two of them. He was afraid that Bai Qi would dislike him and leave him alone, so every time he worked hard to beat the zombies and protect Tang Ruo.

  After driving back to the off-road vehicle from the old place, the three of them left City H through some remote alleys.

  There are still quite a lot of zombies in the urban area. Fortunately, Tang Ruo's spiritual power has increased greatly recently, and he can cover the entire car with a layer of spiritual power. Bai Qitian and Hai also have good powers. It is not a big problem for the three of them to drive a small path from a remote alley.

  If there are three people in a car on a main street densely packed with zombies, it is estimated that they will be eaten by zombies as food.

  From time to time on the street, you will see zombies dressed as military personnel, with guns on their shoulders, walking around aimlessly.

  Due to too many zombies, Bai Qi had no choice but to give up holding a gun.

  But outside the densely populated area of ​​the urban area, the number of zombies decreased significantly.

  Because they collected things while training intensively these days, they beat zombies too much, the three of them had no intention of fighting zombies at all, and occasionally there were zombies wandering on the road, and Bai Qi drove straight to them, running over them.

  The low-level zombies have not yet evolved, and such shells are not hard. If they are directly charged, they can be directly crushed to death.

  In the face of a dangerous situation, if there is a normal human being on the road, the companions will gather with him as the leader.

  Therefore, there was Bai Qi's first off-road vehicle on the road, and a car that came out of nowhere followed behind him.

  At first, I felt that more people would give me a sense of security, but later I felt that more people would give me a sense of security, so all the vehicles followed the front of these vehicles, one after another, and soon the road was like this train.

  Tang Ruo wrapped the car with mental power in the morning, causing excessive use of abilities, so he absorbed two crystal nuclei, and then drank the space stream and lay down in the passenger seat to rest.

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